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Number of items: 146.

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1. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 1 and Follow-up Video - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 1 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? (Why?)“. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

10. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 10 - Summary of Methodology - Transcripts in English and Spanish.
Participant 10 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why?”. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

12. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 12 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 2 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

13. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 13 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 13 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

14. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 14 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 14 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

15. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 15 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 15 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

16. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 16 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 16 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

17. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 17 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 17 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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2. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 2 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 2 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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29 January 2009 demonstration against President Sarkozy's reforms.
Visual sources and primary documents illustrating opposition to president Sarkozy's pension reforms, More broadly, these resources illustrate some aspects of the 'French social model' and help understanding the debates about its future in a global/ neo-liberal context.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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3. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia) . Video 3 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 3 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why?". This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

4. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 4 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 4 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

5. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 5 - Summary of Methodology - Transcripts in English and Spanish.
Participant 5 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

6. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca. Video 6 - Summary of Methodology - Transcripts in English and Spanish.
Participant 6 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

7. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 7 - Summary of Methodology - Transcripts in English and Spanish.
Participant 7 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

8. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia).Video 8 - Summary of Methodology - Transcripts in English and Spanish.
Participant 8 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why?". This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

9. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 9 - Summary of Methodology - Transcripts in English and Spanish.
Participant 9 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why?”. This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

A volar, by Rafael Alberti
Rafael Alberti's poem "A volar": Comments by Spanish poet Juan Ramón Barat in video plus some notes written by the author before the recording. You can read the poem and listen to it read by Nuria Espert in:

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Academic presentations
These materials offer an introduction to preparing for and giving an academic presentation. They are designed for postgraduate international students, specifically in applied linguistics/ELT, although they could also be used with undergraduate students. The materials consist of a handout, and an accompanying PowerPoint.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Action Research
Aston University TESOL Powerpoint explaining how to do Action Research

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

Amores perros intro
Introductory lecture for first-year students on Amores perros with lecturer's notes.

Shared with the World by Dr B Bollig

Anne Burns podcast on research methods
Anne Burns podcast on research methods

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

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Approaches to teaching and learning
Resources from Approaches to teaching and learning module

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

Archaeological Writing 1 Learning Object
This document contains an exercise which helps students understand how written work is structured, using an archaeological examples.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Archaeological Writing 2 Learning Object
This document continues from Archaeological Writing 1, and gives students practice in organising the structure of a short written article, using an archaeology case study.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Archaeology in Second Life Powerpoint
This powerpoint gives an overview of the range of archaeological materials that can be found in Second Life, the online virtual world that is increasingly being used as a learning space by educational organisations.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Aston University Collecting data: corpora
Aston University Powerpoint introduction to corpora. A corpus is a collection of pieces of lao nguage text in electronic form, selected according to external criteria to represent, as far as possible, a language or language variety as a source of data for linguistic research.

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

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Aston University TESOL methododology materials
Aston University TESOL methododology materials

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

Aston University TESOL resource - Teaching English to Young Learners
Aston University TESOL resource - Teaching English to Young Learners

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

Aston University TESOL resource: distance learning
Changing direction in online teacher education

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

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Aston University TESOL resources on becoming theoretical - an introduction to the Foundation module
Aston University, School of Languages and Social Sciences Powerpoint and Podcast that introduces situated learning and action research to TESOL students

Shared with the University by Dr Sarah Hayes

Aston University TESOL resources on course and syllabus design from Nur Hooton
Aston University TESOL resources on course and syllabus design from Nur Hooton

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

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Aston University resource on methodology within the MSc in TESOL
Aston University MSc in TESOL Interactive Powerpoint created in Articulate software. This resource introduces methodology, methods and action research, communicative Language teaching, grammar teaching in the classroom, phonology and discourse intonation and task-based teaching, interaction and integration.

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

Attitudes Towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Región de Murcia). 17 videos, Methodology and Transcripts.
17 Participants respond to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This is a collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Automated Methods for Evaluation of Machine Translation
A lecture on automated Methods for Evaluation of Machine Translation, taught at Leeds for MA Students taking a course "Principles and Applications of Machine Translation"

Shared with the World by Dr Bogdan Babych

Ayer no quise volar muy bajo by Encarna Navarro
This is one of the 8 poems of Encarna Navarro which have been recorded in video for this collection. Students of Spanish literature and language can listen to this video recording, make notes, reflect upon the themes that appear in Encarna Navarro’s poetry and undertake independent or guided research on the references made in Encarna’s poems to well-known Spanish Poetry Classics. They can finally listen to the interview, where Antonio Martínez-Arboleda discusses with the poet some key questions about her poetry.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Buildings in various cultures
This folder consists of images of various buildings around the world. It can be used to compare different cultures, differences within cultures and to consider cultural differences and similarities in relation to globalisation. The titles of the photographs should explain the object or activity and the location.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Candomblé ?! Ah conheço
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kroprowska, a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2007 - 2008. This podcast is a description of the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé by a filh-do-santo, or initiate, Mônica Baptista Costa. She speaks about the origin of the religion, in Africa approximately 5,000 years ago. She also explains why Candomblé is fundamentally a syncretic religion, and the difference between Candomblé, Umbanda and other religions in Brazil. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcript of the podcast is also included.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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Celebrations in various cultures
This folder consists of images of various celebrations around the world. It can be used to compare different cultures and to consider cultural differences and similarities in relation to globalisation. The titles of the photographs should explain the object or activity and the location.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Centenary of the French presence in Algeria 1930
The centenary of the French presence in Algeria 1930 was commemorated in France through a variety of events and the production of posters glorifying France civilising mission in Algeria, notably the modernisation of the agricultural sector. On the other hand, the French Communist Party (PCF) and its affiliated union (CGTU) following the III International’ s anti-colonialism, insisted on colonial and capitalist exploitation of Algeria. The two posters included here allow to visualise such contrasting arguments

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Chawton House, Jane Austen's Brother's House
Photograph of Chawton House

Shared with the University by Dr Glenda Leeming

Checklist for producing good academic writing
A checklist/reflective task for individual or class use of steps and procedures for student writers to follow to ensure good academic writing

Shared with the World by Julie Watson

Collaborative Online Assignments for Final Year Module on Literature
This is an alternative untested methodological proposal for a Literature Module that was taught for several years at the University of Leeds following the traditional lecture-seminar-essay methodology. This alternative methodology embeds very prominently team work, organisational skills, public communication skills and learners' initiative and leadership, whilst reinforcing classic academic skills such as critical thinking by making content more attractive as a result of the various ways in which social engagement occurs. There are almost no limitations to the successful introduction of any kind of e-learning tools such as discussion boards, wikis and podcasts in any literature module that follows socio-constructive approaches. Thanks to my colleague Dr David Frier, who used to teach the module "Innovation and Experimentation in Portuguese 20th Century Literature", for his help. For information and reflections on this methodology, please see A. Martínez-Arboleda, "Using new technologies on content modules in modern languages", Liaison, Issue 3, 2009, págs. 29-31.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Comment on Canción de jinete
The Spanish poet Juan Manuel Barat comments on Federico García Lorca's "Canción de jinete"

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Conflicts in France: Marianne in XXI century France
Eugène Delacroix’ painting ‘Le 28 juillet 1830: la liberté guidant le peuple’ (1831) was not welcomed by the critics in 1831, but has become since an icone of French republican identity. This resource provides links to two websites which contextualise and critically analyse the ambiguous and contested message of Delacroix’ s painting. Since then, the central character of the painting has been used, reused and transformed a countless number of time. At the start of the XXI century , its remains an ubiquitous icone, but its meaning may have changed. Undergraduate students may want to compare Delacroix’ painting with the poster produced by the French Communist Party in September 2009 for its annual conference/ celebration (La Fête de l’Humanité). The comparison may also include the flyer produced by Solidaires (a cartel of unions on the left of the left) for the 26 January 2009 demonstration against the reforms initiated by President Sarkozy. Students may want to discuss whether and how different re-workings of ‘Marianne’ have altered its meaning. Earlier representations are also included. A short indicative bibliography is included, stressing the significance of Maurice Agulhon's work on the subject. In his early work, Agulhon shows that there are two female symbols: 'Marianne', the earthy, loose-haired, threatening radical, with her Phrygian hat, sculpted by Francois Rude (1784-1855)on the Arc de Triomphe and a more stately, serene Goddess of Liberty with her start-girt crown, representing the Republique conservatrice. Finally further historical contextualisation, archival resources and interviews with experts can be accessed through the website 'France 1815 to 2003'.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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Cultural Stereotypes, Generalisations, and Individuals
These activities explore the relationship between cultural characterisations and individuals. In particular they examine notions of stereotypes and generalisations in relation to culture. The activities also focus on the tensions between notions of cultural, group and individual identity. The materials consist of a PowerPoint, accompanying worksheet and teacher’s notes.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Culture and discourse activity
This resource contains an interactive activity in html to support the defining culture materials. You will need to download and extract the zipped folder to run the activity.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

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Defining culture
This folder consists of a Power Point and accompanying worksheet plus teacher's notes on the subject of defining culture. It introduces a variety of definitions of culture and explores the relationship between culture and language. The worksheets are designed to help learners explore the concepts introduced in the Power Point slides. These resources were designed for students of applied linguistics, language teaching, intercultural communication and English language learners (although some adaptation would be needed for lower level groups).

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Defining culture activity
This resource contains an interactive activity in html to support the defining culture materials. You will need to download and extract the zipped folder to run the activity.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Discussion Board: Newspaper debate on identities and linguistic diversity in contemporary Spain
This activity is part of the learning programme of the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1), taught in all BA's in Spanish at the University of Leeds. It is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding national and regional identities and linguistic diversity in contemporary Spain.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Discussion Board: Obama visits Spain
This activity is currently being used in the module SPPO 2650/1 "The Spanish regional Melting Pot: the same old History?" at the University of Leeds. This module is a Level 2 very popular option for all our BAs in Spanish. Students make their contributions via discussion boards in VLE Blackboard. The activity is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding the history of the Spanish State, the history of the different nationalist movements in Spain and the relationship between national identity, political allegiances and the interpretation of these sometimes conflicting “histories”. It also fosters transferable skills such as intercultural communication, analytical skills, critical skills, the ability to work as part of a group, negotiating skills, online communication skills, leadership and spirit of enquiry. The activity was first used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1) in 2009 but has been updated since them. Last update 29/9/114. It received the University of Leeds Faculty of Arts Teaching Development Prize 2009/2010 and has attracted excellent student and employer feedback. It can be downloaded as a pdf document or as a word document.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Discussion Board: Promotional video on European elections
This activity is part of the learning programme of the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1), taught in all BA's in Spanish at the University of Leeds. It is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding the relationship between Spain and Europe in the last 30 years.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Discussion Board: Socioeconomic and demographic reality of Contemporary Spain
This activity is currently being used in the module SPPO 2650/1 "The Spanish regional Melting Pot: the old same History?" at the University of Leeds. Students make their contributions via discussion boards in VLE Blackboard. The activity is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding the complex socio-economic and demographic reality of Spain and its Autonomous Communities as well as the country’s political-territorial structure. It also fosters transferable skills such as statistical literacy, the ability to work as part of a group, negotiating skills, communication skills, leadership and spirit of enquiry. The activity was first used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1) in 2008 but has been updated since them. It can be downloaded either as a word document or as a pdf. Last update 29 September 2014.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Discussion Board: TV documentary on identities and linguistic diversity in contemporary Catalonia
This activity is used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1). Its aim is to facilitate students’ practical and personal engagement, interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding key issues in relation to national identity in Spain and the sociolinguistic reality of its Autonomous Communities.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Discussion Board: TV documentary on national identity in contemporary Spain
This activity is currently being used in the module SPPO 2650 "The Spanish regional Melting Pot: the same old History?" at the University of Leeds. This module is a Level 2 very popular option for all our BAs in Spanish. Students make their contributions via discussion boards in VLE Blackboard. The activity was first used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1) in 2009 but has been updated since them. It is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding national and regional identities in contemporary Spain. It fosters transferable skills such as intercultural communication, analytical skills, critical skills, the ability to work as part of a group, commercial awareness, negotiating skills, online communication skills, leadership and spirit of enquiry. The activity also offers students the possibility to reflect upon ethics and responsibility in a research and communication professional role. It contains a word document with the activitiy in Spanish for 2012-2013, a word document with a learning reflection sheet to do in the classroom after the activity (this was incorporated in response to feedback received from employer) plus previous versions of the activity in Spanish and English.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Encarna Navarro's Poetry Videos Presentation
The Spanish poet from Lorca (Murcia) Encarna Navarro introduces her video collection of poems, which consists of 8 poems and an interview with Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Students of Spanish literature and language can listen to this video recording, make notes, reflect upon the themes that appear in Encarna Navarro’s poetry and undertake independent or guided research on the references made in Encarna’s poems to well-known Spanish Poetry Classics. They can finally listen to the interview, where Antonio Martínez-Arboleda discusses with the poet some key questions about her poetry.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Encarna Navarro’s Interview
Poet Encarna Navarro, from Lorca (Murcia), is interviewed by Antonio Martínez-Arboleda in November 2009 following the reading of a selection of her poems that have been also published in the Humbox in video format. Encarna talks about the themes and inspiration of her work, her favourite readings, which include Becquer and García Lorca, and her writing.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Engaging with Students: Spanish and Portuguese Literature Activities created by Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
This is a collection of activities, including a whole course, aimed at offering to the academic alternative methodological approaches to widespread conventions in the learning and teaching of any Literature module in Higher Education.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Enhancing Modern Languages Teaching: Student Participation and Motivation
Powerpoint presentation and 3 video interviews on Language Learning Motivation in Higher Education. Enhancing Modern Foreign Languages Teaching for New Tutors. University of Leeds. Sponsored by the Subject Centre LLAS (2008 and 2009) and LHRI (2010).

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Exú - Orixá do Candomblé
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kropowska, a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled 'The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum'. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student's own original research carried out in the year 2007-2008. This podcast explains the role of orixás in the Afro-Brazilian religion of Candomblé, which was brought to Brazil during the era of slavery, and which has since become one of Brazil's major religions. Orixás play a pivotal role in Candomblé ritual and belief; they are intermediaries between human beings, nature and the divine. The podcast focuses particularly on the role of the orixá Exu, and what he represents within the belief system of Candomblé. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcription of the podcast is provided.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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Food and eating in various cultures
This folder consists of images of food and eating practices in a variety of cultures. It can be used to compare different cultures, differences within cultures and to consider cultural differences and similarities in relation to globalisation. The titles of the photographs should explain the object or activity and the location.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

France in Sub-Sahara Africa
This collection contains original documents, academic texts and bibliographical references related to France and in its former Sub-Sahara African colonies.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Guidance on preparing, planning and writing a humanities essay

Shared with the University by Dr Glenda Leeming

Giving an oral presentation
A student checklist of considerations for preparing to give an oral presentation with focus on structure, control of language, technique, and practice

Shared with the World by Julie Watson

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Grammar and Academic Style for EAP (English for Academic Purposes)
This series of six two-hour classes looks at areas of grammar and academic style important for non-native speakers of English who are expected to produce written assignments such as essays and dissertations. Areas covered include the division of time (verb tense/aspect work), cautious language (hedging), text cohesion (discourse markers), the use of the passive, the use of personal pronouns, nominalization and other style tips. This is pitched at upper-intermediate to advanced students, IELTS 6.0 to 7.5/8.0.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Guidance on Analysing English Poetry
Guidance on analysing some technical aspects of English poetry

Shared with the University by Dr Glenda Leeming

Guidance: Thoughts on Poetry Analysis
This resource is a set of guidelines giving advice to students on basic approaches to poetry analysis

Shared with the University by Dr Glenda Leeming

Heritage Lesson Plan
This is a lesson plan for small group activities for either undergraduate or postgraduate students, to encourage them to think about the concept of heritage.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

How to read a poem
Final year ppt slides from session entitled "How to read a poem"

Shared with the World by Dr B Bollig

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Immigrants contribution to the Resistance in France during WWII.
Robert Guédiguian’s film Army of crime (2009) should be understood in the context of contemporary debates about French national identity and the contribution of immigrants to French society (see interview with the lead actor,Simon Abkarian). The film throws light on the role played iby anti-fascist refugees from Spain, Hungary, Poland, Armenia, Italy during the Second World War in France (See Official UK Trailer[Youtube]). These refugees, often Jews, close or members of the Communist Party, saw France as the country of human rights and were often the first one to organise resisters’ networks. Fighting in the Communist-led FTP-MOI (Francs-tireurs et partisans – main-d'œuvre immigrée), they were specifically targetted by the Nazis and the Vichy regime, as testified by the infamnous ‘Affiche rouge’. Poetry (Louis Aragon’s 1956 Strophes pour se souvenir) and mortuary monuments (such as the ones to be found in the Pére Lachaise cimetry in Paris, commemorating the role of Spaniards and immigrants in the Resistance movements),have been the traditional media through which their memory has been commemorated. Recently, Toulouse, ‘capital of Spanish republican exile’, has set up a ‘remembrance tour’ of the city. The Ciy Council has produced a (touristic?) leaflet to guide visitors through the major sites of Spanish Resistance (included here). A short bibliography points to the way academic research has also approached the subject.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Inspiring Lecturers: Sharing e-learning practice through european case studies
A presentation about a research paper on gathering european e-learning case studies

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

+3 more...
Introduction to essay writing
These materials offer an overview of essay structure and the essay writing process. They are designed for postgraduate international students, specifically in applied linguistics/ELT, although they could also be used with undergraduate students. The materials consist of a handout, an accompanying PowerPoint, two sample essays and teacher’s notes with suggested activities.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Isabel Allende
Powerpoint - Introduction to Isabel Allende, works and seminar questions. Used as teaching aid.

Shared with the University by Dr Milagros Lopez-Pelaez Casellas

Jane Austen's House
photograph of Jane Austen's house with some notes

Shared with the University by Dr Glenda Leeming

Juan Ramón Barat - Selection of Poems Translated into English
Most of these translations have been produced by students of Spanish Language and Culture of the University of Leeds in the course of a translation workshop organised and conducted by Ben Bollig and Antonio Martínez-Arboleda on 1 December 2010. Poems in bold were read on the 6th of December 2010 by Juan Ramón Barat, who spoke in video conference, and by the translators, to a large audience of students and university general public who came to the lecture. Translated and published with the author’s consent.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Learning Languages
ESOL and learning languages materials

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

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Learning and teaching languages resources
Aston University Learning and teaching languages resources

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

Learning not to Plagiarise: using Turnitin and Humbox
Powerpoint to use in plagiarism lesson

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

Lecture on linguistic prescriptivism in contemporary Germany
Lecture on a Year 2 module for students studying Germanic sociolinguistics.

Shared with the World by Dr Kristine Horner

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Lettre adressée à M. Deixonne par un instituteur breton (1948)
Until the Deixonne Law (1951) (see attached document), the status of regional languages in France had been rather precarious. Suspicion that regional languages hindered the propagation of progressive ideas and favoured separatist tendencies was rife among left-wing republicans. In this letter, a primary school teacher explained how the love of Breton is not incompatible with the love of France and how pedagogically the use of Breton is a tremendous tool to achieve a higher degree of fluency and accuracy in French. The letter is addressed to Maurice Deixonne, who was in charge to draft the legislative proposal which led to the formal, but limited, recognition of regional languages in 1951. The original letter can be found in OURS (Office Universitaire de Recherche Socialiste, Paris), the French Socialist Party’s private archives (web link included here). Final year and MA students may find this original document useful to discuss, evaluate and revisit the complex relations between French republicanism and cultural minorities.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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Los Cuatro Muleros - Spanish Popular Poetry in García Lorca's work
This resource contains the poem "Los cuatro muleros", a popular song recuperated by Federico García Lorca, and its translation into English made by Emma Carr, a student of the University of Leeds, during the course of a Poetry Translation Workshop. The three videos include the song "Los cuatro muleros" sung in an informal setting by the Spanish poet Juan Ramón Barat. There are also some comments about the poem’s structure, origins, themes and impact of this “copla” featuring J.R. Barat and History Lecturer and poetry aficionado Juan Manzanares. The best know version of the song is by Spanish singer Ana Belén and can be found in youtube.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Los miserables
Spanish writer Juan Ramón Barat reflects upon the aftermath of the Lorca Earthquake of 11 May 2011, which brought down many buildings in this historical city and caused several casualties. In this literary and social piece, distributed to the public on the 18th of May 2011, Barat points at the lack of business ethics in the construction business as one of the reasons behind the destruction caused by the earthquake. This is a good text for those interested in contemporary social, economic and political issues in Spain, as it relates very well to some of the demands and criticisms aired by campaigners of the so-called "Spanish Revolution" of the 15th of May 2011.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

MT Architectures
Slides from the course "Principles and Applications of Machine Translation" taught at the Centre for Translation Studies in Leeds for MA Students

Shared with the World by Dr Bogdan Babych

+5 more...
Making notes from written sources, paraphrasing and summaries
These materials provide an introduction to and practice in note taking, paraphrasing and summarising. They are designed for postgraduate international students, specifically in applied linguistics/ELT, although they could also be used with undergraduate students. The materials consist of two handouts with activities, answer keys and a PowerPoint.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

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Maqam el-chahid (Algiers), War memorial
Dominating the Algiers skyline is Maqam el-chahid (monument to the martyr), inaugurated in 1982 (under Chadli Bendjedid's presidency) to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of independence. Three enormous palmettes stretch 97 metres high, at the foot of each, three statutes are said to symbolise the three pillars of the proclaimed revolution, cultural, industrial and agrarian - although they are all armed men.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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Materials from Learning English Module
Grammar and Meaning resources

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

+5 more...
Motivating students and personalising their learning experience
Supporting students’ learning outside the classroom: promoting independence and autonomy in LLAS disciplines - Autonomous Learning Portfolio in Spanish: Personalised learning and motivation in a regulated learning environment, Antonio Martínez-Arboleda, University of Leeds. 27 May, 2010. Leeds Metropolitan University, Rose Bowl. LLAS Conference. This resource contains a main document, "SUMMARY OF PORTFOLIO TALK AND FINDINGS", and several related documents and videos to support and illustrate the main document.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

O Candomblé é uma religião Afro-Brasileira
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kroprowska ,a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2007 - 2008. The theme is the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé. The recording describes the religion’s origins in Africa, the means by which it was brought to Brazil, and subsequently adapted over the centuries. The recording also explains the theology, beliefs and rituals which are most characteristic of Candomblé. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcription of the podcast including original photos is also provided.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

O Papel do Sacrifício no Candomblé
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kroprowska ,a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2007 - 2008. The theme is the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé. Ritual sacrifice of animals is a feature of this religion, a practice which is frequently misunderstood by people not familiar with the religion. The recording, based on an interview with a Brazilian practitioner of Candomblé, explains the true significance of this ritual and its meaning within the context of the religion as a whole. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcript of the podcast is also provided.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

O que é Umbanda?/ What is Umbanda?
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kroprowska , a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2007 - 2008. This podcast explains the role of Umbanda, a religion which was founded in brazil in 1908, and is a syncretic in nature, with influences from Christianity, Hinduism, Spiritism, and Africa-based religions. The recording explains the fundamental beliefs of Umbanda, its practices, and its role within Brazilian society. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcription of the postcast, with additional photos, is also provided.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

+2 more...
Of guns, glory hunters and good intentions. How does France do everything it does in Africa and get away with it?
In this inaugural lecture, Professor Tony Chafer charts the evolution of French interest in, and relations with, Africa from the 19th century to today. The text, the video of the lecture and the corresponding PowerPoint presentation are included here with a separate bibliography.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Oral presentation language MC
A short multiple choice exercise on the language of oral presentations in English

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

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PGR guides and handouts
Ten (10) documents for postgraduate research students in the humanities including checklists for submitting a thesis, guide to illustrations, using archives and templates for administration.

Shared with the World by Dr Tehmina Goskar

Performing the Nation: Dance and politics in Palestine/Israel 1930s-2000s
Dr Marie-Pierre Gibert answers questions on key themes in the relationship between politics and cultural practices in Israel, the advantages and difficulties of nterdisciplinary approaches and tells us tales of field work and dancing. (interview carried out by Natalya Vince, March 2009). The interview took place after the conference: 'France, North Africa and the Middle East: Interdisciplinary and Multimedia Perspectives', held at the University of Portsmouth on 18 March 2009.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Phonetics for Students of Modern Languages
A course in phonetics for students of French, German and Spanish. Contains exercises.

Shared with the World by Alison Dickens

Plagiarism Learning Object
This document presents a series of exercises that help students understand the concept of plagiarism, using case studies from archaeological publishing.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

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Polynomial Texture Mapping
This resource consists of a short video demonstrating the use of a polynomial texture mapping rig, recording the surface features of a piece of inscribed stone, and an image which shows the how the different lighting sources and PTM software highlight tiny details in the stone surface.

Shared with the University by Dr Fiona Handley

Polynomial Texture Mapping - Examples of image results
These four images show how the same digital data set collected through polynomial texture mapping, can be modified in the PTM software to highlight different details in the lettering and surface texture on this Roman brick stamp.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Portus Exhibition 1
A panel from an exhibition held at Southampton Museum and the British School at Rome on the University of Southampton's Portus project.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Portus Exhibition 2
A panel from an exhibition held at Southampton Museum and the British School at Rome on the University of Southampton's Portus project

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Portus Exhibition 3
A panel from an exhibition held at Southampton Museum and the British School at Rome on the University of Southampton's Portus project.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Portus Exhibition 4
A panel from an exhibition held at Southampton Museum and the British School at Rome on the University of Southampton's Portus project.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Portus Exhibition 5
A panel from an exhibition held at Southampton Museum and the British School at Rome on the University of Southampton's Portus project

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Portus Exhibition 6
A panel from an exhibition held at Southampton Museum and the British School at Rome on the University of Southampton's Portus project

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Portus Exhibition 7
A panel from an exhibition held at Southampton Museum and the British School at Rome on the University of Southampton's Portus project

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Portus Video
This video describes some of the archaeological fieldwork that has been taking place at the University of Southampton and University of Cambridge's excavations at Portus, the main port of ancient Rome.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Powerpoint about repository use
Powerpoint about repository use

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

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Preconceitos do Brasil/ Brazilian Sterotypes
This podcast in Portuguese was created by James Letts, a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2008. The recording presents commonly held stereotyped images and beliefs about Brazil, and the actual reality of Brazil as a modern industrial nation, with information about the nation’s technological innovations and social programmes. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcript of the podcast is included as well as its English translation.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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President Chirac's (1995-2007) stance on the Vichy regime and antisemitism.
After President Chirac's official recognition (1995) that France actively participated in deportation of Jews, commemorative plaques were erected on the wall of each Parisian school stipulating the number of children who had been deported in each 'arrondissement'. (Here a plaque in the XVIII arrondissement, from which more than 700 Jewish children were rounded up by the French police before being deported). Chirac's 1995 discourse (here included in French) about the responsibility of the French state in the deportation of Jews marked a departure from the previous Gaullist orthodoxy. On the occasion of the official opening of the new exhibition in the French pavilion of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in January 2005, President Chirac reflected on the impact of the Holocaust on France (text in English). A few days before, President Chirac inaugurated the 'Memorial de la Shoah' in the IV arrondissement of Paris. Just outside the Memorial, 'Le Mur des Justes' (Righteous among the Nations) commemorates the French people who risked their lives to save Jews from extermination during the Occupation (6 photos included). Facing the 'Murs des Justes', in a street recently remaned 'Allée des Justes', a commemorative plaque adornes the door of the local secondary school (College Frederic Couperin, Photo included. It reminds passers-by that out of the 11,000 Jewish children arrested by the Vichy police in France between 1942 and 1944, 500 came from the 4th arrondissement of Paris. They were deported to Auschwitz. A Weblink to the INA site (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel) will enable visitors to see how the French television channel France 2 covered the event. This resource also includes a link to the Memorial de la Shoah in Paris, a site which provides invaluable resources (see in particular its 'Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine'. Students with a good understanding of postwar politics and history may want to use these sources to explain why Chirac broke from the postwar Gaullist narrative.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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Professional Reported Speech in Spanish in a Political Context - C1-C2 Level
This is a learning activity for students of Spanish Language in Final Year (BA) or for anyone who is in the levels C1 or C2 of The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). It aims at showing different linguisitc strategies for the correct and purposeful use of reported speech in the professional context of journalism. It contains three sheets, one with all the background readings and videos and the plan for the whole set of activities, another with the exercises of Activity 4 (Reported Speech in Spanish), and one with an assessed task. It is connected to existing video resources in this repository. This work was presented and used in the 2010 E. Allison Peers Symposium (University of Liverpool) to the participating students, writers and academics.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Reading list for Language and Society in the German-Speaking World
Reading list for Year 2 students on the module Language and Society in the German-Speaking World at the University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Dr Kristine Horner

Reading sixteenth century French texts
This is a resource aimed at supporting students who are reading sixteenth century French literature. It covers the main differences between French of this period and modern French. Examples are taken from the texts my students study, but any examples can be substituted. The file was created using WimbaCreate (or CourseGenie). Using WimbaCreate it can be saved in a variety of formats including html and Blackboard for upload to the VLE. By uploading in this format I hope that you will be able to 'repurpose' the content.

Shared with the World by Dr Honor Aldred

Recording Objects Learning Object
This document contains a series of exercises which help archaeology students understand some of the important points in recording archaeological objects.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

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Referencing and citations 'Harvard style'
These materials offer an introduction for using the correct protocol for citations and references in academic essays following the ‘Harvard’ system. They are designed for postgraduate international students, specifically in applied linguistics/ELT, although they could also be used with undergraduate students. The materials consist of a handout, an accompanying PowerPoint, an example and teacher’s notes with suggested activities.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

+7 more...
Reform of French universities and la Loi Precresse (LRU) (2007-09)
The Pecresse law (11.08.2007) aims to give French universities a degree of autonomy and freedom (also known as ' loi LRU', i.e loi relative aux libertés et responsabilités des universités).Its introduction has generated a massive discontent and a high level of opposition among students and academics alike. As part of her undergraduate dissertation on 'Toulouse 2008: Ideology, Tactics and Organisation of Student Movements 40 years after May 68' (supervised by Dr Natalya Vince), Rosalind Parkin studied the reception of the Pecresse law in Toulouse, focussing on students' opposition to the law. A good level of French is necessary to understand the text of the law itself as well as the arguments developed by Association Générale des Etudiants de Toulouse or Democratie et Socialism, a think-tank on the left of the Socialist Party (PS). Undergraduate and PG students are most likely to benefit from such sources.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Regional and National Diversity and the Spanish Political System
This is a powerpoint presentation that covers several sessions on regional and national diversity in contemporary Spain. These materials are used in the module "Introducción al Mundo Hispano" (SPPO 1400), taught as part of the Certificate in Higher Education in Spanish at the University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Religious images from various cultures
This folder consists of religious images in a variety of cultures. It can be used to compare different cultures, differences within cultures and to consider cultural differences and similarities in relation to globalisation. The titles of the photographs should explain the object or activity and the location.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

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Remembering the Colonial Past in France and Africa
Once France’s sub-Saharan African colonies became independent in 1960, African troops who had served France loyally both in the world wars and in its wars of decolonization did not fit easily into the official, nationalist narrative of postcolonial African leaders of an African nation united in the struggle against French colonialism. As a result their role and experiences were largely ‘forgotten’ for some forty years after independence. A powerful symbol of this official forgetting is that, as recently as 1999, in France’s oldest African colony Senegal, a French colonial monument originally cast in 1923 to commemorate the role played by African soldiers fighting for France in World War I, was removed to a small cemetery on the outskirts of Dakar because its presence in the centre of the city was considered too redolent of the country’s colonial past. Yet five years later the monument made a great comeback to the city centre after the announcement by the President Wade, in the presence of a plethora of African heads of state of former French colonies, of the creation of a national day to commemorate the tirailleurs. At the same time he also announced that the Senegalese government would henceforth pay an allowance to all Senegalese war veterans still alive on 2 March 2000, in addition to the increase in African war veterans’ pensions recently announced by France. Following this the monument was restored to the centre of the city to become the focal point of a vast commemoration project in which the Place de la Gare was renamed the Place du Tirailleur and designated as a memorial to African soldiers who perished in both world wars.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Representations of Childhood and Violence in Recent Films depicting the Algerian War: using cinema to locate conflicting memories.
Dr Joseph McGonagle, Lecturer in Cultural Studies in the French Speaking World, University of Manchester answers questions on key themes in filmic representations of Franco-Algerian relations, the advantages and pitfalls of using film to help students understand historical and contemporary Franco-Algerian relations(interview carried out by Natalya Vince, March 2009). The 12 minute interview took place just after the one-day conference on 'France, North Africa and the Middle East Interdisciplinary and Multimedia Perspectives', held at the University of Portsmouth on 18 March 2009. 1. What are some of the key themes in films that represent Franco-Algerian relations? 2. What are some of the advantages and some of the pitfalls of using films as a tool to help students to understand contemporaries or Franco-Algerian relations? 3. Do you think students are able to place their understanding of films in context of the real world? Do you think there’s a danger of over –interpretation? 4. Which 3 films would you choose which are most useful for students to study?

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Role plays and simulations for modules on Spanish politics and society
Collection of collaborative activities for the module SPPO2650/1 "The Spanish Regional Melting Pot: The Same Old History?" (formerly "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe", taught at the University of Leeds in all the BAs in Spanish. These activities, which are ideal for online discussion boards or simply seminar-group work, are also suitable for many other modules on Spanish Society, Spanish Politics and Spanish Economy. They all have been tried and tested with students and have received positive feedback. For more information please see Martínez-Arboleda, A. (2009) "Using new technologies on content modules in modern languages", Liaison. July 2009. 29-31.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Roman webbing strips - an excel spreadsheet
This excel spreadsheet contains some data on Roman webbing strips. It records various attributes of the webbing strips and the data can be used by archaeology students to investigate e.g. correlations and frequency distributions or to generate graphs. It can be used in conjunction with the powerpoint on webbing strips

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Roman webbing strips - powerpoint
This powerpoint presentation looks at the webbing strips found at the site of Quseir al-Qadim in Egypt. They were probably used as reinforcing strips in Roman sails on boats which sailed down the East coast of Africa and across to India. It can be used in conjunction with the excel spreadsheet containing all the webbing strip data.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Second Life Guide for SL-moderators
Guide for training new users of Second Life

Shared with the World by Ms Gabi Witthaus

Sign written in Moselle Franconian
Image of a sign in a cafe window in Bernkastel-Kues (Germany) written in the local linguistic variety (Moselle Franconian)

Shared with the World by Dr Kristine Horner

Sor Juana introduction
Introductory lecture on reading poetry and Sor Juana Ines de la cruz

Shared with the World by Dr B Bollig

Spanish voices: interviews from contemporary Spain
This video presents views and opinions from ordinary members of the public.

Shared with the World by Alison Dickens

+6 more...
Students Politics in Toulouse
Student politics in France is often dominated by a high degree - and high visibility- of political radicalism. If such radicalism is often the product of a well-organised minority on the extreme left of the political spectrum, it remains a central part of university life. As part of her undergraduate dissertation on 'Toulouse 2008: Ideology, Tactics and Organisation of Student Movements 40 years after May 68' (supervised by Dr Natalya Vince), Rosalind Parkin photographed a series of posters during her year abroad in Toulouse (2007-2008). Students' radicalism is not only aimed at president Sarkozy's reforms of higher education, but also expresses a commitment to feminism, anti-elitism, class-based politics, anti-fascism, and social solidarity. A good level of French is necessary to understand the posters and final year undergraduate and PG students are most likely to benefit from them.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

+3 more...
Style in academic writing
These materials offer an introduction to using appropriate style in academic writing. They are designed for postgraduate international students, specifically in applied linguistics/ELT, although they could also be used with undergraduate students. The materials consist of a reference handout, an accompanying PowerPoint, a handout with exercises, and a paragraph to re-write in appropriate academic style together with an example answer.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Suggestions for Approaching a Literature Exam
Advice on planning exam answers

Shared with the University by Dr Glenda Leeming

Syntax and Morphology LA 11
Level 4 English Language course on Syntax and Morphology. This forms part of a series of interactive learning activities that complement lecture and seminar delivery methods and work as continuous assessment. To see the nature of this resource please preview the word document.

Shared with the World by Dr Matthew Sauvage

Syntax and Morphology LA 2
Level 4 English Language course on Syntax and Morphology. This forms part of a series of interactive learning activities that complement lecture and seminar delivery methods and work as continuous assessment. To see the nature of this resource please preview the word document.

Shared with the World by Dr Matthew Sauvage

Syntax and Morphology LA 3
Level 4 English Language course on Syntax and Morphology. This forms part of a series of interactive learning activities that complement lecture and seminar delivery methods and work as continuous assessment. To see the nature of this resource please preview the word document.

Shared with the World by Dr Matthew Sauvage

Terrorism and Political Violence in Spain
This is powerpoint presentation for SPPO 1400.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

+1 more...
The European Neighbourhood Policy: instruments and mechanisms. The case of Egypt.
A PowerPoint presentation explaining how ENP works in practice, takes Egypt as a specific case-study. It is followed by a short bibliography on the subject as well as a link to the European Commission's Delegation to Egypt ( This resource is primarily aimed at undergraduate students of International Relations and European Studies.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

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The cultural iceberg
This resource consists of a Power Point and accompanying worksheet and teacher's notes, which explore the conscious and subconscious influence of culture on our behaviour, beliefs and attitudes through the metaphor of the cultural iceberg. These resources would be suitable for students of applied linguistics, language teaching, intercultural communication and English language learners (although some adaptation would be needed for lower level English language groups).

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

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The learning synergies of poetry
Learning materials for poetry translation autonomous learning actuivities plus video presentation of the student poetry project on poetry translation for the Facing Pages Symposium. University of Leeds, 23 April 2010. This resource includes a poster of the Facing Pages Symposium, poems translated by students, autonomous learning worksheets for the translation workshop and for the poetry and music event plus a link to a video with detailed explanations in Spanish of how the various learning activities came to life. Watching the video of the symposium presentation is not essential, although if you know some Spanish it may help.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Theoretical Issues in Machine Translation
Presentation slides for a Summer School on Computational Linguistics at the University of Oporto, 2009

Shared with the World by Dr Bogdan Babych

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Tirailleurs Sénégalais and the First Word War: memory and commemoration
This resource includes a reproduction of a 1923 monument commemmorating the Tirailleurs Sénégalais who fought for France during the First World War. The original of this monument was erected in Reims and destroyed by the Germans in 1940. An exact copy used to be displayed in Bamako (Mali) but is not currently on public display. This small-scale reproduction may be viewed at the Musée des Forces Armées in Dakar (Senegal) This resource also includes the reproduction of a certificate awarded to a Tirailleurs Sénégalais batallion, in recognition of its bravery in battle during the First World War. The website:, is very interesting in the way that it rehabilitates the tirailleurs into a national narrative ('batisseurs du monde libre') but of course completely glosses over the fact that many tirailleurs also fought for France in its two wars of decolonisation in Indochina and Algeria.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

To be a moudjahida in independent Algeria
In her thesis‘To be a moudjahida in independent Algeria: itineraries and memories of women veterans of the Algerian War of Independence’ (University of London, 2008 under the supervision of Professor Julian Jackson), Natalya Vince provides a new examination of the diverse experiences of Algerian women during the War of Independence. It is the first study to analyse female veterans’ itineraries in the post-war period, investigating their status in contemporary Algerian society and their place in collective memories at national, local and familial levels. As such, it provides counterbalance to the popular and scholarly consensus that after the war women, willingly or not ‘went back into the kitchen’. The research incorporates extensive oral interviews with 30 female veterans, unexploited primary documents from Algerian, French and British archives and a survey of 95 students at a teacher training college in Algiers on their attitudes towards the war, veterans, the teaching of history and the transmission of memory. Using oral history challenges the monolithic, top-down treatment that has dominated historiography of the Algerian War, highlighting the importance of gender, socio-economic circumstances and locality in determining wartime and post-war experiences. The case study at the teacher training college in particular highlighted continuing shifts in interpretations of the war. Many students of this generation, born at the same time as the upsurge of Islamism in Algeria, framed the War of Independence as a holy war, employing a religiously-impregnated language which is not that of their elders. Here is an extract from an interview with an FLN nurse, carried out by Natalya Vince in Algiers in December 2005.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Using Fieldwork Data Learning Object
This document contains a series of exercises that demonstrate how material from fieldwork such as visual, numeric and survey data should be used as evidence in supporting writing.

Shared with the World by Dr Fiona Handley

Using cultural images
This folder consists of religious images in a variety of cultures. These images can be used to compare different cultures, differences within cultures and to consider cultural differences and similarities in relation to globalisation. The titles of the photographs should explain the object or activity and the location. An accompanying worksheet with activity ideas is given here.

Shared with the World by Dr Will Baker

Video Exavating and processing archaeological objects at the Roman site of Portus
A short video covering the excavation of objects, showing bags of environmental samples, and the sorting and processing of finds from the Roman site of Portus in Italy.

Shared with the University by Dr Fiona Handley

Welcome to the HumBox
This rough-and-ready powerpoint was put together by Alison Dickens and myself for OER10, when we had to rapidly stand in for our colleague who was unwell.

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick

Worksheet on Academic Essay Conclusions
Worksheet on what to include in conclusions of Academic Essays for English literature, with answers

Shared with the University by Dr Glenda Leeming

Worksheet on Academic Essay Introductions
Worksheet on what to include in academic essay introductions for English literature with examples and answers.

Shared with the University by Dr Glenda Leeming

Introduction to Forensic Linguistics

Shared with the University by Dr Alison J Johnson

This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 00:24:21 2025 UTC.