Number of items: 451.
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Guidelines for the production of Self-Study Packs
This checklist, stemming from the VirtualDucth project, is a planning tool for the creation of online multimedia study packs. It may be useful for similar projects.
Shared with the World by
Ulrich Tiedau
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Batavian Myth
This self-study pack traces the way the Dutch, from the sixteenth century onwards, defined their collective identity with reference to their ancestors, the Batavians of Roman times.
Shared with the World by
Ulrich Tiedau
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Dutch Revolt I: Act of Abjuration (Plakkaat van Verlatinge) I
This self-study pack is designed to help you understand the Dutch Revolt in the sixteenth century, using a key historical document from the period. It is aimed at learners with only a minimal knowledge of Dutch. You can check out an original edition of the document, read four fragments of it, get help with historical references and concepts, analyse certain themes, and explore related pictorial material.
Shared with the World by
Ulrich Tiedau
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Dutch Revolt II: Act of Abjuration (Plakkaat van Verlatinghe) II
This self-study pack is designed to help you understand the Dutch Revolt in the sixteenth century, using a key historical document from the period. It is aimed at learners with an intermediate knowledge of Dutch. You can check out an original edition of the document, read some fragments of it, get help with historical references, analyse certain themes, and explore related pictorial material.
Shared with the World by
Ulrich Tiedau
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Nova Zembla: Dutch maritime expansion around 1600
This self-study pack covers the Dutch efforts to find a Northern sea passage to Asia at the end of sixteenth century. Three voyages were undertaken in the mid-1590s, with the final expedition of Willem Barentsz and Jacob van Heemskerck acquiring canonical status in Dutch historical conciousness. Their ship got stuck in the ice off Nova Zembla, but the crew survived the harsh Arctic winter and returned to Amsterdam the next spring.
Shared with the World by
Ulrich Tiedau
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Latvian Language, History, Society and Culture
A list of internet resources for Honours students studying Latvian Language, History, Society and Culture at beginners’ and intermediate level, as well as for students at all levels who are taking Latvian as their compulsory language as part of the language-based postgraduate degree in Russian, Central and East European Studies.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Cultural Awareness: Mexico
Short video of a fish market in Mexico.
Shared with the University by
Mr Miguel Arrebola
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Lecture about Mental Content and Mental Representation- Excerpt from Dr C. Athanasopoulos' AA308 Tutorial in Glasgow
This is a short discussion in the Philosophy of Mind about Mental Content and Mental Representation. This a small excerpt from the AA 308 Tutorial that Dr C. Athanasopoulos delivered in Glasgow in May 2010.
Shared with the World by
Dr Constantinos Athanasopoulos
Academic presentations
These materials offer an introduction to preparing for and giving an academic presentation. They are designed for postgraduate international students, specifically in applied linguistics/ELT, although they could also be used with undergraduate students. The materials consist of a handout, and an accompanying PowerPoint.
Shared with the World by
Dr Will Baker
Deutsch lernen mit den "Wise Guys"
These are listening and vocabulary tasks about the song "Denglisch" by the popular German group "Wise Guys". The topic is the use of English words in every-day German.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Christine Bohlander
How to look up German words in online dictionaries - Part I
This tool helps students with technical issues when looking up words online - such as typing umlauts or navigating through dictionaries
Shared with the World by
Mrs Christine Bohlander
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HumBox peer review workshop: copyright/IPR session
The HumBox project partners held a two-day peer review workshop in September 2009 to advance the project, concentrating particularly on peer review. The event also included a session on copyright and IPR. The recorded highlights of this are available here, in wmv format. The discussions include presentations from the digital rights officers on the project and discussions on the issue of copyright amongst participants.
Shared with the World by
Ms Kate Borthwick
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Lifting the Lid: sharing in the humanities community using the HumBox
This presentation was given by me at the Open Learning Conference, Nottingham University, 25th November, 2009. It details the development of the HumBox project up to that point in time.
Shared with the World by
Ms Kate Borthwick
OER international symposium - academic recognition
This video was prepared for the OER international symposium, 23 July 2010, for a session on academic recognition. It features 5 humanities academics from different institutions around the country talking about their experiences sharing resources on the HumBox, and in particular about Open Educational Resources and academic recognition. Featured here are: Billy Brick from Coventry University, Sarah Hayes from Aston University, Deirdre Burke from University of Wolverhampton, Emmanuel Godin from Portsmouth University and Antonio Martinez-Arboleda from Leeds University.
Shared with the World by
Ms Kate Borthwick
A lecture on Metaphor for first year undergraduate students studying English Language.
Shared with the University by
Ms J Boutonnet
French Revolution Bingo
An ice-breaker activity intended to question assumptions and stimulate discussion.
Learners write down four things they associate with the French Revolution on a bingo card. The activity is designed so that those they are less likely to think of, such as the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, are 'called' before the more obvious ones (e.g. the guillotine).
Contents: two slide powerpoint, bingo cards and rules.
Shared with the World by
Isobel Brooks
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AMEZ St George's Street Wolverhampton
This PowerPoint provides a range of images from the AMEZ (African Methodist Episcopal Zion) Church in Wolverhampton. This is a Black-Led church founded in the UK in the late 1960s.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Birmingham Progressive Synagogue outside
Image of the outside of the new progressive synagogue.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Book Review CARS check
This exercise is used with first year Religious Studies students on the Judaism module. They are required to complete a book review, the first part of which is to undertake a CARS check on the author. The exercise includes two examples of CARS author checks to help develop their understanding of the task.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Calligraphy inside mosque dome
Calligraphy in Arabic and English inside dome.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Christianity in Wolverhampton
This collection brings together a range of files, PowerPoints, images and videos on Christian places of worship in Wolverhampton.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Courting Controversy
PowerPoint for PRS conference on issues around field visits, and the way iPods and Faith Guiding initiatives can address pitfalls.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Feedback form explained
Feedback form with an explanation of the nature and purpose of each section, intended for students.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Feedback strategies
Collection brings together a range of resources for use by staff to help students get more out of tutor feedback on their work.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Feedback tutorial example
Example of tutorial template
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Feedback workshop session for staff
PowerPoint with links to explore strategies to help students get more out of tutor feedback on their work. Look for other files in the collection to support the session.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Geographies of Religion
PowerPoint to support presentation on use of iPods in field visits.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Getting more out of tutor feedback workshop
Workshop for staff to explore strategies to help students get more out of tutor feedback. Activities are in the PowerPoint, as well as links to a webfolio with additional materials.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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HEIR Strategies to get more out of feedback
PowerPoint to support workshop at Institutional Research in Higher Education conference, Dublin June 2010.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Holocaust Memorial Day 2010
This PowerPoint introduces a range of issues about the commemoration on the Holocaust. It is used with first year History and Religious Studies students to explore reasons why there are so many memorial days.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust
Link to the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust website, with the 2010 theme 'The legacy of hope' to mark the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau on 27th January 1945.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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HumBox Launch RS
PowerPoint to share and showcase aspects for Religious Studies.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Image Synagogue intercom
Image of security arrangement at synagogue, intercom to gain entrance.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Images of places of worship
Collection of images of places of worship
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Introductory Jewish quiz
This short quiz encourages students to think about their knowledge of Jews and Judaism at the start of their module on Judaism. It could be used within Religious Studies modules on world religions, or in other subjects when they touch on Jewish topics.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Collection of PowerPoints and images to support teaching of aspects of Islam.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
This collection brings together a range of materials relating to Jews and Judaism. They are specifically relevant to studies within Religious Studies, but may also be of use for History and Literary studies that relate to Jews and/ or Judaism.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Judaism: Book Review example and feedback
This provides an example of an assessed task for students. They are able to see the feedback proforma to be used, with a marked example. Whilst this form is specific to this task, it could be adapted for other uses, to prepare students for the feedback they will receive on their work.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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LSSC feedback strategies
PowerPoint for staff development session
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Lesson Plan: The Crusades
Brief lesson plan which draws on materials on the theme of
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Manchester Jewish Museum
This image shows the outside of the Manchester Jewish Museum. The building was originally built as a Sephardi Synagogue, so is more ornate than the usual Ashkenazi style of synagogue that most synagogues in the UK follow.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Mosque inside Dome
Image of the inside of the dome at Wolverhampton Central Mosque, showing calligraphy.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Mosques in Wolverhampton
This PowerPoint provides information about mosques in Wolverhampton, with maps showing their location and pictures of mosques. This could be used to introduce aspects of Islam and mosques within Religous or cultural studies.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Mosques in Wolverhampton: features
PowerPoint to support teaching about mosques in the local community.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Muslims in Wolverhampton collection
This collection holds a range of resources about Islam and Muslims in Wolverhampton.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
PRS Courting Controversy
Resources from the PRS conference, July 2010, on the theme of 'Courting Controversy.' Theoretical papers and practical classroom sessions.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Pagans and Christians OneShare workshop
Resource exercise for the workshop
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Podcast St Peter's
Podcast tour
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Range of resources for Sikhism, original use for Religious Studies. They could be used to explore aspects of Sikh philosophy, or to understand a local religious community.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Synagogue sanctuary
Picture of the sanctuary at Birmingham Progressive Synagogue (now demolished). Note the position of the bimah in a Progressive synagogue, as part of the platform in front of the ark.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Synagogue sanctuary
Picture of the sanctuary in a progressive synagogue. (Birmingham Progressive Synagogue built in 1930s, now demolished.)
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
The Crusades
Collection of materials for an emergency lesson.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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The Mosque: funerary practices
images in a PowerPoint to show features of a mosque concerned with funerary practices.
Used with undergraduate Religious Studies students.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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The font: video explanation
The PowerPoint contains details about the font in The Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Wolverhampton. The video extract presents the history of the font and explains the symbolism of sections.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Videos of places of worship
Collection of videos for places of worship
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Western Studies of the Prophet Muhammad
PowerPoint to support session on Western studies of the Prophet Muhammad, introduces a range of critical studies.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Wolverhampton Buddha Vihara
Collection of materials on the Dr Ambedkar Buddha Vihara in Wolverhampton. Mostly images, but also a MP4 audio tour, and a PowerPoint.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Wolverhampton Buddha Vihara 1. Ambedkar in Shrine Room
Picture of Dr Ambedkar found within the Shrine Room.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Wolverhampton Buddha Vihara collection
collection of materials about Dr Ambedkar Buddha Vihara in Wolverhampton.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Wolverhampton Central Mosque
This PowerPoint provides a range of images from a field visit to the Central Mosque. This is used within Religious Studies to explore aspects of Islam in the local community.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Wolverhampton Central Mosque: features
PowerPoint to identify key features of a large purpose built mosque.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Workshop: strategies for students to get more out of feedback
This PowerPoint sets out a range of strategies that can be used to help students get more out of tutor feedback on their work. This was used for workshops at the 2010 Higher Education Academy conference and HEIR 2010 (Higher Education Institutional Research.)
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Fryer Street Synagogue
This short video explores the history and key features of a purpose built synagogue in Wolverhampton.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
Anne Burns podcast on research methods
Anne Burns podcast on research methods
Shared with the World by
Dr Sarah Hayes
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Map of the Eastern Townships, Quebec
Map showing various definitions of the Eastern Townships (Cantons de l'Est), Quebec
Shared with the World by
Dr John Canning
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Sustainable development in languages, linguistics and area studies
A list of books and articles to help introduce sustainable development to students of languages, linguistics and area studies
Shared with the World by
Dr John Canning
Writing an academic book review
This is a PowerPoint presentation and handout on writing an academic book review. It has been developed for use with postgraduate students undertaking research training.
Shared with the World by
Dr John Canning
Los Cuatro Muleros - Spanish Popular Poetry in García Lorca's work
This resource contains the poem "Los cuatro muleros", a popular song recuperated by Federico García Lorca, and its translation into English made by Emma Carr, a student of the University of Leeds, during the course of a Poetry Translation Workshop.
The three videos include the song "Los cuatro muleros" sung in an informal setting by the Spanish poet Juan Ramón Barat. There are also some comments about the poem’s structure, origins, themes and impact of this “copla” featuring J.R. Barat and History Lecturer and poetry aficionado Juan Manzanares.
The best know version of the song is by Spanish singer Ana Belén and can be found in youtube.
Shared with the World by
Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Isabel Allende
Powerpoint - Introduction to Isabel Allende, works and seminar questions. Used as teaching aid.
Shared with the University by
Dr Milagros Lopez-Pelaez Casellas
Tirailleurs Sénégalais and the First Word War: memory and commemoration
This resource includes a reproduction of a 1923 monument commemmorating the Tirailleurs Sénégalais who fought for France during the First World War. The original of this monument was erected in Reims and destroyed by the Germans in 1940. An exact copy used to be displayed in Bamako (Mali) but is not currently on public display. This small-scale reproduction may be viewed at the Musée des Forces Armées in Dakar (Senegal)
This resource also includes the reproduction of a certificate awarded to a Tirailleurs Sénégalais batallion, in recognition of its bravery in battle during the First World War.
The website:, is very interesting in the way that it rehabilitates the tirailleurs into a national narrative ('batisseurs du monde libre') but of course completely glosses over the fact that many tirailleurs also fought for France in its two wars of decolonisation in Indochina and Algeria.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
African Colonial Soldiers - 'les tirailleurs sénégalais'
A collection of materials and resources about African colonial soldiers and how they are remembered in contemporary France and Africa
Shared with the World by
Prof Tony Chafer
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Juan Ramón Barat - Selection of Poems Translated into English
Most of these translations have been produced by students of Spanish Language and Culture of the University of Leeds in the course of a translation workshop organised and conducted by Ben Bollig and Antonio Martínez-Arboleda on 1 December 2010. Poems in bold were read on the 6th of December 2010 by Juan Ramón Barat, who spoke in video conference, and by the translators, to a large audience of students and university general public who came to the lecture. Translated and published with the author’s consent.
Shared with the World by
Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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Wolverhampton Buddha Vihara 1. Ambedkar Motto
This picture presents the engraving of Ambedkar's motto: educate, agitate and organise.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Wolverhampton Buddha Vihara 1. Ambedkar bust
This is a picture of the bust of Dr Ambedkar, in the vihara in Wolverhampton founded by his followers.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Wolverhampton Buddha Vihara 1. Ambedkar exterior
Picture of the outside of the Buddha Vihara in Wolverhampton dedicated to Dr Ambedkar.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Wolverhampton Buddha Vihara 1. Ambedkar statue
Picture showing the statue of Dr Ambedkar.
Shared with the World by
Dr Deirdre Burke
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Photo of Franz Schubert
Photo of Franz Schubert
Shared with the World by
Miss Julia Citron
Tonguetwister 'rr'
A tongue twister to practice the 'r' sound.
Shared with the World by
Anna Comas-Quinn
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A class on the Restoration using descriptive terms as a discussion starter
This class concentrates on the Restoration, but the methodology can be used for any classes...
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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A list of topics and issues in Restoration/Enlightenment literature and culture
A list of topics and issues in Early Modern literature and culture, arising from study of Aphra Behn, but used to contextualise all my Early Modern and Enlightenment texts. Can be used 'as is' or adapted, changed, challenged, added to etc...
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
Baroque Garden, the Belvedere Vienna
Some pictures of the Belvedere Garden in Vienna, with a quick reference 'factfile' in support of the images.
The Belvedere is a free access, public space. I have not included images of the restricted parts of the garden or palace. The photographs are my own.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Discussion starter with drawing
I used this with Margaret Cavendish's Female Orations, each group making an image of the 'lady' described by Cavendish in her 'academy'. I then photographed the images for display on the class vle. The idea can be used with any suitable text/s. As with all class activity, equal opportunity has to be borne in mind.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Discussion starter with images
Another discussion starter, can be used with any suitable subject. As with all class activities, equality of access has to be borne in mind.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Epic Qualities overview
A list illustrating the nature of the epic genre, linking medieval epic (in this case, especially the Song of Roland and the Bayeux Tapestry) with epic film (in this case, Gladiator, Fall of the Roman Empire, and El Cid...)
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Gest of Robin Hood in modern English
A modern English rendition of The Gest of Robin Hood, for use with non-Middle English students, etc...etc...or as a parallel text
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
Gladiator, Epic and Rome pics
Some pics of 'epic' Rome, and a few notes on the film Gladiator, with notes on its epic qualities. Usable with ideas of epic genre, literature through film. Pictures feature triumphal arches, the Collosseum, the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, the Pantheon, and Trajan's Markets (a two-story Roman 'shopping mall'!). My own photographs, taken in open access, public areas.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Le Morte Darthur What's Where guide
Guide to what's where in Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur. The numbers refer to page numbers in Helen Cooper's edition for Oxford World's Classics, but can be used with other editions, as all is in the same order.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Paradise Lost Guide
Don't get lost in Paradise Lost!
Here is a quick reference guide to who and what is where in Milton's epic. Can be used with any edition.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Prince of Thieves scene-by-scene
Another scene-by-scene for a popular film with medievalists and history tutors, as a ready-to-use resource or a template for adaptation or application to another film of your choice.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Robin and Marian scene-by-scene
A scene-by-scene account of a film frequently used by medievalists. This can be used as a 'user-ready' resource for classes, or as a template for writing your own account of any film you wish to use.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Tale of Gamelyn in modern English
A modern English version of the Gamelyn story...for quick reference, or use as a parallel text, or with people who cannot (or don't want to) cope with the Middle English text
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Tips for analysing a film clip
Tips for film clip analysis, for class preparation and for assessment.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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Tips for writing a reflective, explanatory text in support of a project
A generic ready-to-use or adaptable resource for explaining how to write an explanatory text in support of a project. This is used in literature projects, as an aid to assessment, but can be used in order to help devise learning outcomes and assessment criteria. For more on creative assessment criteria, see the ESC project, on the ESC site.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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approaching short texts or poems with performance technique
A good way of approaching a 'difficult' text, particularly suitable as an ice-breaking exercise for new students. Very good for Medieval/renaissance/early modern, but can be used with any suitable text from any period.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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classical rhetorical devices
A quick 'ready-to-use' resource...a list of classical rhetorical devices, as an aid to spotting them. Brief, and to the point...I use this with Restoration/Early Enlightenment students
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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making a poster for assessment
These instructions were designed for students making posters for a seventeenth-century assessment. They can be used for classwork, for just about any purpose. Thinking about posters, dvd and book covers can help students organise their thoughts for writing essays.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
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quick glossary of film terminology
Want to talk about film but not sure what the terms mean? The terminology actually does help to analyse the film clip or still images from films. It can be put onto a vle, or given to students as a handout.
Shared with the World by
Dr Lesley Coote
Learning Languages
ESOL and learning languages materials
Shared with the World by
Dr Sarah Hayes
Learning and teaching languages resources
Aston University Learning and teaching languages resources
Shared with the World by
Dr Sarah Hayes
TEYL intro lecture
Teaching English to Young Learners podcast
Shared with the World by
Dr Sarah Hayes
Video Interview - Czech History
Video interview with Dr Jan Culik discussing Czech History. The video footage was produced for Humbox, but will be used in teaching.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Jakub Ceska, The process which turned Milan Kundera into an informer
A Barthesian analysis of a 2008 media "scandal" in which international writer Milan Kundera was accused by a Czech newsmagazine that he acted as a police informer in the Stalinist 1950s in Czechoslovakia. Published by kind permission of Focus on the Czech Republic (
Shared with the World by
Dr Jan Culik
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1968 Prague Spring: Origins
Powerpoint presentation on the influence of literature and the arts on politics. Used as a teaching aid
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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A history of Czech Literature 900-2000
Information on the life and work of several Czech authors, Used as reference material in class to complement lectures
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Babí léto - Indian summer
Word document - A review of Czech film Babí léto - Indian summer directed by Vladimír Michálek. Used as a source for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Byzantium and the Slavs
Word Document and Powerpoint presentation - A lecture on Constantine and Methodius and the introduction of Cyrillic liturgy to Moravia in the 9th century. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Czech Cinema
Powerpoint document - Information on the history of Contemporary Czech Cinema. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Czech Feature Film Since 1989
Word document - Information on the history of Czech cinema used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Czech Opera
A series of Word Documents and Powerpoint presentations on Czech opera and two Czech operatic composers. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Czech Writers and Politics 1945 - 1989
Powerpoint file - exploring Czech literature and politics from 1945 - 1989 used as teaching aids
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Emil Hakl
Word document - Information on the life and work of Emil Hakl (real name Jan Beneš). Used as reference material in teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Horem pádem - Helter Skelter
Word document - A review of Czech film Horem pádem - Helter Skelter, directed by Jan Hřebejk. Used as source material in teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Je třeba zabít Sekala - Sekal must die
Word document - A Czech film review Je třeba zabít Sekala - Sekal must die, directed by Vladimír Michálek. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Jízda - The Ride
Word document - A Czech film review Jízda - The Ride, directed by Jan Svěrák. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Karel Capek - A Writer for our Times?
Powerpoint presentation - Information on the life and work of Karel Capek. Used in class to complement lectures
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Karel Čapek: 1890-1938
Information on the life and work Karel Capek. Used as As reference material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Knoflíkáři - Buttoners
Word document - A Czech film review of Knoflíkáři - Buttoners,directed by Petr Zelenka. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Kouř - Smoke
Word document - Czech film review of Kouř - Smoke, directed by Tomáš Vorel. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Michal Viewegh
Word document - Information on the life and work of Michal Viewegh. Used as reference material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Milan Kundera
Word document - Information on the life and work of Milan Kundera. Used as reference material in teaching.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Milan Kundera´s Unbearable Lightness of Being
Word document - Review of Milan Kundera´s Unbearable Lightness of Being. Used as reference material in teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Musíme si pomáhat - Divided we fall
Word document - Czech film review of Musíme si pomáhat Divided we fall,directed by Jan Hřebejk. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Nuda v Brně (Bored in Brno)
Word document - A review of Czech film Nuda v Brně (Bored in Brno, directed by Vladimír Morávek. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Návrat idiota - The Return of the Idiot
Word document - A Czech film review of Návrat idiota - The Return of the Idiot, directed by Saša Gedeon. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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O rodičích a dětech - Of parents and children
Word document - review of Czech film, O rodičích a dětech - Of parents and children, director Vladimír Michálek
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Poslední motýl (The Last Butterfly)
Word document - A review of Czech film Poslední motýl (The Last Butterfly),directed by Karel Kachyňa. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Silný kafe (Bitter Coffee)
Word document - A review of Czech film Silný kafe (Bitter Coffee), directed by Bőrkur Gunnarsson. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Tajnosti (Secrets)
Word document - A review of Czech film Tajnosti (Secrets. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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The Theatre of the Absurd
Word document - THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD historical term coined by the critic Martin Esslin for the work of a number of playwrights, mostly written in the 1950s and 1960s. Used as reference material in teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Vratné lahve (Empties)
Word document - A film review of Czech film Vratné lahve (Empties, 2007). Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Václav Havel
Word document - Information on the life and work of Václav Havel. Used as reference material in teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Štěstí (Something Like Happiness)
Word document - A review of Czech film Štěstí (Something Like Happiness), directed by Bohdan Sláma. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Šílení (The Lunatics)
Word document - A review of Czech film Šílení (The Lunatics, directed by Jan Švankmajer. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Video Interview - 20th Century Czech Literature
A video interview with Dr Jan Culik, Glasgow University discussing 20th Century Czech Literature. The video's have been produced for Humbox, but will be used for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Presentation Techniques
A powerpoint presentation for non-native speakers.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Angela Davidson
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Postmodernism: A Very Brief Introduction Pt. 1
A short introduction to postmodernism, with an eye on its implications for Christianity.
Shared with the World by
Dr Andrew Davies
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Postmodernism: A Very Brief Introduction Pt. 2
A short discussion starter on the implications of postmodernity especially for Christianity.
Shared with the World by
Dr Andrew Davies
This collection showcases some of the resources collected by Archaeology teachers and researchers at the University of Southampton. They all relate to the excavation of the Roman site of Portus and contain images from an exhibition relating to the project.
Shared with the University by
Alison Dickens
Area Studies
This collection showcases some of the resources for Area Studies contained within HumBox
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Alison Dickens
Languages and Culture
This collection showcases some of the resources in HumBox relating to the study of languages and culture
Shared with the World by
Alison Dickens
Linguistics and TESOL
This collection showcases some of the resources in HumBox relating to linguistics and TESOL
Shared with the World by
Alison Dickens
Spanish voices: interviews from contemporary Spain
This video presents views and opinions from ordinary members of the public.
Shared with the World by
Alison Dickens
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Welcome to the HumBox
This rough-and-ready powerpoint was put together by Alison Dickens and myself for OER10, when we had to rapidly stand in for our colleague who was unwell.
Shared with the World by
Ms Kate Borthwick
Motivating students and personalising their learning experience
Supporting students’ learning outside the classroom: promoting independence and autonomy in LLAS disciplines - Autonomous Learning Portfolio in Spanish: Personalised learning and motivation in a regulated learning environment, Antonio Martínez-Arboleda, University of Leeds. 27 May, 2010. Leeds Metropolitan University, Rose Bowl. LLAS Conference. This resource contains a main document, "SUMMARY OF PORTFOLIO TALK AND FINDINGS", and several related documents and videos to support and illustrate the main document.
Shared with the World by
Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
English words of Arabic origin
Two wordles of English words of Arabic origin. In both English and Arabic.
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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4Ts Top Ten Tips to Improve Your Language Learning Skills Abroad (Mourad Diouri)
The best way to learn any foreign language is simply to immerse yourself in the sounds and culture of your TL (target language). One authentic immersive environment in which you can improve your language dramatically is where the language is spoken and used on a daily basis. To benefit fully from your experience abroad you need to make an effort to create plenty of opportunities to interact with the locals and sample the local culture.
Continue reading......
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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Podcast Library (As the Arabs Say…كـَما قالـَت العَرَب)
As the Arabs Say…كـَما قالـَت العَرَب
Weekly Arabic Quotes, Proverbs, and Sayings for Learners of Arabic as a Foreign Language selected, podcasted and interpreted by Mourad Diouri
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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Prof. Networks & Mailing Lists for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals
e-Arabic Learning Portal (eALP): Networks & Mailing Lists.
To help you stay up to date with events, news and developments in the field of TAFL (Teaching Arabic As a Foreign Language), as well as networking with fellow-minded professionals, the following directory contains links to:
Professional Networks
Mailing/Discussion Lists
Professional Organisations (under development)
If you are familiar with other networks, mailing lists, etc… that are not included in this directory, please get in touch.
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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Streaming Live Online Arabic Media (Radio & TV)
Watch a huge selection of streaming live and on-demand Arabic TV channels online either directly from or externally.
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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The Visual Arabic Library (مكتبة الموارد المرئية لتعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها)
The Visual Arabic Library (مكتبة الموارد المرئية لتعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها) is a Growing Library of Realia (i.e.real-life) Images and& Videos To Improve Your Visual Learning Of The Arabic Language
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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Word Cloud: Obama’s Speech in Egypt (Arabic)
This is a word cloud of Obama’s full speech in Cairo, Egypt.
Credits: © Mourad Diouri
Word Cloud created with
Read full speech in Arabic and English at
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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e-Arabic Tandem Network : Face-to-Face & Online Arabic <-> English Language Exchange Partnership
The e-Arabic Tandem Network is an initiative to support Arabic language learners to find partners from the Arabic-speaking world who are interested to support you with your Arabic language study. This is a mutual language partnership of two or more learners, where all involved benefit equally. This service is intended to help Arabic language learners to find an e-Tandem partner with whom they can improve their language skills as well as expand their cultural understanding of the target culture.
To join the network, go to:
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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e-Arabic Teachers Network (eATNet) A Social/Professional Network for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals
This is a dedicated social and professional network for anyone involved in "Arabic as a foreign language" teaching, research or support. EatNet is a place where Arabic teaching professionals support each other. You are welcome to: ask questions, share and disseminate your experience, good practice, and relevant resources.
To join the network, go to:
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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eArabic Learning Portal
Your Gateway to a Growing Repository of Arabic eLearning Resources (In-House & Third Party).
The (eArabic Learning Portal) provides a reference and access point to all our e-Learning resources and projects designed, developed and led by Mourad Diouri, the eLearning Lecturer, to support learners and teachers of Arabic as a foreign language.
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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eArabic Quiz Resource Directory
Using a variety of interactive Web 2.0 quizzing/testing and learning games tools, the e-Quiz/Game resource directory project is an initiative to design and archive a pool of theme- and skill-based interactive learning objects (quizzes, tests, games, etc.) to assess students’ understanding and application of key Arabic language skills. The directory includes both in-house and third-party resources.
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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iPod Arabic Applications Directory
iPod Arabic Applications Directory: Mobile Tools & Applications Directory for Learning & Teaching Arabic
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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How many Slavonic languages are there?
An examination of linguistic, political and cultural issues relating to language identity among the Slavs
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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The Languages of Europe
Word Document - Plotting the Linguistic Map of Europe. an annotated list of the languages spoken in Europe, giving information on language relationships, the places where the languages are used, their status. the alphabet(s) used and (not in all instances) the number of speakers. Used as a handout
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Interactive timeline of Anglo-Dutch exchanges (50BC-1830)
This interactive multimedial timeline on Anglo-Dutch relations from antiquity to 1830, uses MIT’s Simile technology and is based on the manuscript 'The Stranger’s case : a timeline of Cross-Channel Interactions' by Jaap Harskamp, curator of the Dutch and Flemish collections at the British Library, in which he has compiled and annotated a comprehensive list of over 800 events relating to Anglo-Dutch relations throughout the centuries. It is part of the Open Learning Environment in early modern Low Countries history (
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Ulrich Tiedau
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Try Dutch! : Dutch language taster
Interested in Dutch? Curious how Dutch sounds? Wondering how difficult or easy it is? Perhaps you are thinking of studying Dutch? Then here is your opportunity to have a go at the language yourself and experience what it is like to learn Dutch from scratch. You can work through the pack all by yourself. No previous knowledge of Dutch is required.
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Ulrich Tiedau
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Amsterdam Represented: A Taster in Cultural Studies
The concept cultural studies is rather complex. To begin with the word 'culture' itself means different things to different people, such as great works of art and literature, or works of popular culture, such as pop songs and soap operas, or the way that particular groups of people live their everyday lives. Generally, when you talk about cultural studies as a subject at university it is not so much about another culture, but it has more to do with a particular way of looking at the world in which people live, and how and why people think, produce and do the things they think, produce and do. This self-study pack offers an introduction to cultural studies, using representations of Amsterdam as an illustration. The material assumes no knowledge of Dutch.
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Ulrich Tiedau
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Four Early Reactions to The Maid's Tragedy
Seminar handout from a Level 6 module on Renaissance tragedy. A collection of early commentary on Beaumont and Fletcher's The Maid's Tragedy.
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Dr Matthew Steggle
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Four Mock Timed Essays on Milton
Mock timed essays designed to promote discussion of what makes a good exam answer.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Fragments of exam answers
Mock sentences from exam scripts, to invite discussion of what sorts of sentences belong in good exam answers.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Paradise Lost: The Tragedy of Adam and Eve?
Lecture handout including a reference list of useful passages
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Dr Matthew Steggle
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Brecht activity: Brechtian Theatre and its Stanislavskian contrary
This is part of a suite of self-guided exercises developed for Level 5 undergraduates taking a module on World Drama 1880-1960. The resources were developed as part of a project on "Developing Independent Learning", funded by an English Subject Centre grant: a fuller description of the project is at
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Dr Matthew Steggle
Bringing in other texts: Beckett's A Piece of Monologue
This is part of a suite of self-guided exercises developed for Level 5 undergraduates taking a module on World Drama 1880-1960. The resources were developed as part of a project on "Developing Independent Learning", funded by an English Subject Centre grant: a fuller description of the project is at
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Dr Matthew Steggle
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Ibsen Activity: What can different translations tell us?
This self-guided exercise asks students to perform a close reading of three competing translations of an extract from Ibsen's The Doll's House.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Jean Genet and Jacques Lacan
This self-guided exercise, aimed at Level 5 literature students, invites them to read Genet's The Balcony in terms of Lacan.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Juno and the Paycock and Irish History
A self-guided exercise for Level 5 students that situates Synge's play in terms of Irish history.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Miller Activity: Key Words in Death of a Salesman?
A self-guided exercise for Level 5 literature students, introducing the research possibilities of concordances with particular reference to Miller's Death of a Salesman.
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Dr Matthew Steggle
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Polynomial Texture Mapping - Examples of image results
These four images show how the same digital data set collected through polynomial texture mapping, can be modified in the PTM software to highlight different details in the lettering and surface texture on this Roman brick stamp.
Shared with the World by
Dr Fiona Handley
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Portus Video
This video describes some of the archaeological fieldwork that has been taking place at the University of Southampton and University of Cambridge's excavations at Portus, the main port of ancient Rome.
Shared with the World by
Dr Fiona Handley
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EVENTS DIRECTORY for TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language) Professionals Worldwide
****TO ALL ARABIC TEACHERS****: a new interactive online resource (EVENTS CALENDAR & DIRECTORY) if you wish to keep track of EVENTS related to Arabic teaching and learning. Home-grown and still being updated..... Your generous feedback comments are really appreciated...
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Mr Mourad Diouri
Alien Ink Graphic Novel
Alien Ink is the first in a series of online graphic novels designed to tackle everyday teen issues, and provides a great resource of PSHE/ citizenship and media studies teachers keystage 3, 4 and higher. It is based around the lives of Trinity and Ryder, who curiously arrive in Camden at the same time as UFO sightings on Primrose Hill, and subsequently open a tattoo parlour that becomes a hang-out for local teens.
See more at:
Alien Ink raises a series of teen pressures, including relationship issues, sexual health and drug use, through the popular and accessible medium of graphic novels. Readers can interact with the comic via Facebook, MySpace, quiz apps, YouTube and the Pressure blog, and are encouraged to get involved in the Alien Ink world, discussing the issues raised or by submitting examples of their own creativity, be it artwork, graphic design, writing, poetry, or even their own tattoo design. Alien Ink will also be available to view on Facebook and, in a partially animated format, on YouTube. The comics are a great way to reach teens with stories that matter and to point them to information that will genuinely help. New chapters appear every week, with all chapters eventually available in a hardback in autumn 2010.
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Channel 4 Education
Impact of Globalisation on Culture
Introductory discussion activity to raise students awareness of the relationship between culture and globalisation
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Mr Elwyn Edwards
Enhancing Modern Languages Teaching: Student Participation and Motivation
Powerpoint presentation and 3 video interviews on Language Learning Motivation in Higher Education. Enhancing Modern Foreign Languages Teaching for New Tutors. University of Leeds. Sponsored by the Subject Centre LLAS (2008 and 2009) and LHRI (2010).
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Video Interview - Czech Economy
An Interview with Professor Martin Myant, University of the West of Scotland on the Czech Economy. This video was produced for Humbox, but will be used for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Video Interview - 19th Century Czech Literature
Czech 19th Century Literature this resource has been created for Humbox, but will be used for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
The learning synergies of poetry
Learning materials for poetry translation autonomous learning actuivities plus video presentation of the student poetry project on poetry translation for the Facing Pages Symposium. University of Leeds, 23 April 2010. This resource includes a poster of the Facing Pages Symposium, poems translated by students, autonomous learning worksheets for the translation workshop and for the poetry and music event plus a link to a video with detailed explanations in Spanish of how the various learning activities came to life. Watching the video of the symposium presentation is not essential, although if you know some Spanish it may help.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Approaches to teaching and learning
Resources from Approaches to teaching and learning module
Shared with the World by
Dr Sarah Hayes
Materials from Learning English Module
Grammar and Meaning resources
Shared with the World by
Dr Sarah Hayes
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Ethical Scenarios - for students intending to carry out research in former socialist countries
Word document - Series of ethical scenarios designed to generate class/group discussion. Small groups of students are asked to discuss one of the four scenarios and then feed back to the group outlining what action they would take and why.
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Writing Style - Learning Unit 9
This is the ninth unit of a series forming a VLE course for first-year students on 'Academic Research'. In this unit students are given an overview of some of the attributes of appropriate writing style within academic essays. An assignment for students is also included.
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Mr Brett Lucas
The Thirty-Years exposure. Notes on amateur and fine-art photography in Russia
A PDF both Russian and English of Shamil Khairov’s article in the Rusistika magazine on Reflections on amateur and fine-art photography in Post-Soviet Russia. This resourse is going to be a part of my course “The Russian C20 Visual culture” taught at Glasgow and Tampere, Finland.
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Centenary of the French presence in Algeria 1930
The centenary of the French presence in Algeria 1930 was commemorated in France through a variety of events and the production of posters glorifying France civilising mission in Algeria, notably the modernisation of the agricultural sector. On the other hand, the French Communist Party (PCF) and its affiliated union (CGTU) following the III International’ s anti-colonialism, insisted on colonial and capitalist exploitation of Algeria. The two posters included here allow to visualise such contrasting arguments
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Mr Emmanuel Godin
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Making a good oral presentation
This PowerPoint presentation, aimed at undergraduate students, provides guidelines on how to make a good oral presentation. It includes guidance on group presentation, how to open a debate and conclude an oral presentation. It also suggests some technics to engage passive listeners.
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Mr Emmanuel Godin
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Image of Naples at night
A photograph of a Neapolitan street at night, Italy.
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Dr Tehmina Goskar
Images of London buildings
Photographs of the outside of the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, London.
Shared with the World by
Dr Tehmina Goskar
Images of Salisbury Cathedral
Photographs of Salisbury Cathedral, Wiltshire.
Shared with the World by
Dr Tehmina Goskar
Images of Southampton buildings
Photographs of buildings and their details in Southampton, Hampshrie, UK.
Shared with the World by
Dr Tehmina Goskar
Images of boats and water
Photographs taken waterside, in Southampton, Hampshire, UK.
Shared with the World by
Dr Tehmina Goskar
Images of the outdoors
Photographs of things taken outdoors such as flowers, sand, graffiti on a wall, the sky, someone's rubbish.
Shared with the World by
Dr Tehmina Goskar
Images of travel
Photographs taken during travel by air, rail and road. Includes zip file of all three (3) images.
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Dr Tehmina Goskar
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A Touch of Polish
Word document - The nature of Polish within a wider linguistic and cultural background. A brief article on Polish as a Slavonic language describing its distinctive features, grammar and history. This text was used as a part of level 1 introductory lecture on the Polish language.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
18th Century Spanish History
A powerpoint describing 18th Century Spain.
Shared with the University by
Ms Bettina Hermoso Gómez
18th Century Spanish Literature
Summary of 18th century Spanish Literature
Shared with the University by
Ms Bettina Hermoso Gómez
19th Century Spanish History
Brief summary of 19th Century Spanish History
Shared with the University by
Ms Bettina Hermoso Gómez
Les 5 chantiers de Sarkozy pour 2010, annoté.
1.An annotated version of the article in the Figaro, appearing on 01/01/2010; describing the (now flawed) outline of priorities for the French government for this year (2010). Annotations include links to French official bodies' websites, quotations and definitions.
2. A link to a set YouTube videos created in Embedr. This set of videos includes at least 1 video for each 'chantier'.
3. A link to President Sarkozy's conference about the '5 chantiers' pour le grand emprunt.
1. Une version annotée de l'article dans le Figaro, qui paru le 01/01/2010; décrivant les (désormais en partie refutées) priorités pour le gouvernement français, cette année (2010).
2. Un lien vers un jeu de vidéos YouTube créé avec Embedr. Cette série de vidéos comprend au moins 1 vidéo pour chaque «chantier».
3. Un lien à la conférence du Président Sarkozy au sujet des "5 chantiers pour le grand emprunt".
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Mr Julien Hamilton-Hart
An fun and intuitive LOC exercise to teach some aspects of wine and technology. Level: Beginners.
You may also use the exercise at:
Un exercice LOC amusant et intuitif pour enseigner certains aspects du et de la technologie vin. Niveau: Débutant.
Vous pouvez aussi vous servir de l'exercice en ligne:
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Mr Julien Hamilton-Hart
Une femme est une femme, Godard, Le nom avant ou après l'adjectif.
In this exercise I take a clip from the film "Une femme est une femme", by Jean-Luc Godard, to illustrate the change in sense when the adjective is put before as opposed to after the noun. The link to the video is also provided, and it is on my own channel on YouTube, so it won't be taken down without me knowing about it. Instructions: Print the sheet out for each student, make them watch the video a couple of times, and then have them rehearse the lines in pairs, alternating roles.
Dans cette exercice je prends un clip du film "Une Femme Est Une Femme», par Jean-Luc Godard, pour illustrer la variation de sens lorsque l'adjectif est placé avant, plutôt qu'après le substantif. Le lien vers la vidéo est également fourni, et il est de mon propre canal sur YouTube, de sorte qu'il ne sera pas enlevé sans que je sache. Instructions: Imprimer la fiche pour chacun des élèves, leur faire regarder la vidéo une ou deux fois, puis demandez-leur de répéter les dialogues en paires, en alternant les rôles.
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Mr Julien Hamilton-Hart
Une femme est une femme, LOC tool exercise.
LOC Tool word recognition exercises based on 2 Clips from « Une femme est une femme », by Jean-Luc Godard. Intructions : Download and unzip folder onto the Desktop. Double-click html file to start exercise. If you want to upload to your server, put the folder into you root folder and FTP towards your server. Then point towards the .html file on your webpage (as a link).)
_____________________________________________ Exercice LOC de reconnaissance des mots basé sur 2 clips de «Une femme est une femme», de Jean-Luc Godard. Intructions: Télécharger et décompresser vers le 'Desktop'. Double-cliquez sur le fichier HTML pour commencer l'exercice. Si vous souhaitez télécharger sur votre serveur, mettez le dossier dans le dossier racine de votre site et transferrez- le en mode FTP vers votre serveur. Puis pointez vers le fichier. html de votre page web (en tant que lien).)
Shared with the World by
Mr Julien Hamilton-Hart
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Roman webbing strips - an excel spreadsheet
This excel spreadsheet contains some data on Roman webbing strips. It records various attributes of the webbing strips and the data can be used by archaeology students to investigate e.g. correlations and frequency distributions or to generate graphs. It can be used in conjunction with the powerpoint on webbing strips
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Dr Fiona Handley
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Roman webbing strips - powerpoint
This powerpoint presentation looks at the webbing strips found at the site of Quseir al-Qadim in Egypt. They were probably used as reinforcing strips in Roman sails on boats which sailed down the East coast of Africa and across to India. It can be used in conjunction with the excel spreadsheet containing all the webbing strip data.
Shared with the World by
Dr Fiona Handley
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An Introduction to Speech Technology in Language Learning
An Introduction to Speech Technology in Language Learning
- covers both speech recognition and speech synthesis
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Dr Zoe L Handley
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Acoustic Phonetics I
Introduction to acoustic phonetics. Basic concepts.
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Dr Zoe L Handley
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Speech Technology in CALL
A review of the research on the use of speech technology (speech synthesis and speech recognition) in language learning.
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Dr Zoe L Handley
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Systematic Review of CALL
A systematic review of the use of technology in language learning, with a focus on EFL in the primary and secondary sectors.
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Dr Zoe L Handley
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Systematic Review of Vocabulary CALL
A systematic review of the use of new technologies in language learning with a focus on primary and secondary students, EFL and vocabulary.
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Dr Zoe L Handley
Heroes of Shipka
This generative learning object uses a film clip from a Soviet/Bulgarian propaganda film which celebrates the beginning of the liberation of the Bulgarian people from the Ottoman Empire as a result of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-8. It focuses on the Battle of Shipka and the Siege of Pleven.
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Mr Robert O'Toole
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Emergency Lesson Planning Using Humbox
This sheet is designed for use with the following items
Powerpoint called Learning Not to Plagiarise Using 'Turnitin’ and ‘Humbox’
Sarah Hayes
Video demonstrating plagiarism detection using the Turn It In online service with thanks to the creator: Mr Robert Toole
Examples of plagiarism:in Archaeology
Referencing & Bibliographies - Learning Unit 5 with thanks to the creator: Mr Brett Lucas
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Dr Sarah Hayes
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Inspiring Lecturers: Sharing e-learning practice through european case studies
A presentation about a research paper on gathering european e-learning case studies
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Dr Sarah Hayes
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Theories of Death: An Introduction
A PowerPoint that forms part of a module studying death in religion
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Dr Paul Hedges
La comunidad anuncia que recurrirá
A reading comprehension with a difficult text to understand. I have used this exercise with my advanced level Spanish after watching Spanish news about several scandals between politicians and builders. Questions are not difficult, but understanding the text is.
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Mrs Maria Heredia-Fernández
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Indigenous protest in the Peruvian Amazon
This is a reusable learning object (RLO) about indigenous protest against government plans to open up the Peruvian Amazon to foreign investment. It integrates links to external content, self-assessment questions authored in Wimba Create and a suggested discussion board topic. The resource was developed for use with students on the MA in Human Security and Environmental Change at Nottingham Trent University.
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Dr Neil Hughes
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What is the Czech Republic about?
An article published in the Edinburgh Review. Information on current Czech politics, literature and culture, Used as reference material
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Ms Claire Monaghan
TESOL & Applied Linguistics research video webcasts
This website: provides free video webcasts from leaders in the field and other researchers who talk about their work its impact on language pedagogy. Keynote contributors include David Little, Amy Tsui, David Nunan and Keith Johnson.
Shared with the World by
Mr Huw Jarvis
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Quiet Russia. Exhibition of monochrome photographs
A Powerpoint Presentation (71 slides) of an exhibition that took place in Edinburgh in September – October 2009 on Russian rural and urban landscapes taken from 1998 to 2008. Used as part of the options course The Russian 20th century visual culture taught at Glasgow and Tampere.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
The Slavonic Languages
PDF Documents used as hand-outs intended to assist students in following the lectures and to serve as an aide-mémoire. They provide a brief description of the salient features of each of the Slavonic languages
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Estonia in the Middle Ages
Word document - Estonia in the Middle Ages and the The ancient Estonian religion. Handouts for the lectures on Estonian History, Society and Culture
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Estonians in the 14th to 16th centuries
Word document - Estonians in the 14th to 16th centuries. Handouts for the lectures of Estonian History, Society and Culture
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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The Livonian War
Word document - Estonian History, Society and Culture The Livonian War. Estonians Under the Swedish Rule. The Great Norhern War. Handouts for the lectures of Estonian History, Society and Culture
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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The beginning of Estonian history
Word document - The beginning of Estonian history, until the end of the Iron Age. Handouts for the lectures on Estonian History, Society and Culture
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Famous Slovenes
Powerpoint presentation on famous Slovenes, uses in language and culture lectures.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Slovene Geography and Tourism
Powerpoint presentation used in modules about Slovene culture and language. Covering Slovene seography and tourism
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Slovene History and Legends
Powerpoint presentation used in modules covering Slovene Language and culture. Explores the history and legends of Slovenia
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Slovene Language
Powerpoint presentation covering the Slovene Language, used as teaching aids in language modules
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Slovene Literature
Powerpoint presentation on Slovenian literature. Used in language and culture lectures.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Slovene Traditions
Powerpoint presentation used in Slovene language and culture lectures. Explores the history and cultural traditions of Slovenia
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Slovenia Today
Powerpoint presentation used in language and culture lectures. Exploring Slovenia today, communities, culture and habits
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Slovenian Culture
Powerpoint presentation used in Slovene culture and language lectures. Exploring all aspects of Slovenian culture
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Checklist: Preparing to share, and sharing your thoughts on resources in HumBox
This checklist was devised by the project team to help users consider resource uploading and reviewing effectively: the layout of the resource, how best to describe it, and the importance of metadata.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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How-to-guide: Sharing resources in HumBox
This short video guide looks at some of the issues involved in setting up resources effectively and reviewing resources for comment: connected processes in enabling users to find, use and repurpose teaching materials.
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Mrs Lisa Lavender
HumBox Peer Review Workshop Video Session 1: Reviewing a Resource and adding comments
The HumBox project partners held a two-day peer review workshop in September 2009 to advance the project, concentrating particularly on peer review. The recorded highlights of this first session have been divided into parts, just under 5 and 9 minutes long respectively, in wmv format. Together they reflect the discussions held on the importance and practicalities of reviewing resources in HumBox.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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HumBox Peer Review Workshop Video Session 4: Engaging the Humanities Subject Communities
The HumBox project partners held a two-day peer review workshop in September 2009 to advance the project, concentrating particularly on peer review. The recorded highlights of this third session last for under 6 minutes, in wmv format. The discussions reflect partner thoughts on the attributes of the online space that will benefit colleagues and how project partners can engage them.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
HumBox Peer Review Workshop Video: Session 2: Thoughts for completing the workshop reviews
The HumBox project partners held a two-day peer review workshop in September 2009 to advance the project, concentrating particularly on peer review. The recorded highlights of this second session have been divided into 2 parts, lasting 8 and 6 minutes respectively, in wmv format. The discussions reflect partner thoughts on peer reviewing in the context of the workshop and the project.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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HumBox Peer Review Workshop video Session 5: Workshop round-up - dissemination and sustainability
The HumBox project partners held a two-day peer review workshop in September 2009 to advance the project, concentrating particularly on peer review. The recorded highlights of this fifth and final last 10 minutes, in wmv format. The discussions reflect partner thoughts on sustainability of the repository and how to disseminate the advantages of using HumBox effectively.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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HumBox promotional video
This 3-minute video was devised to help promote HumBox amongst colleagues, and at dissemination events. It includes brief interviews with two partners about why they got involved in the project and what they have got out of it, along with information and screenshots of HumBox itself. In wmv format.
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Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentaion: Billy Brick's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Billy Brick's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Antonio Martinez-Arboleda's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Antonio Martinez-Arboleda's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Deirdre Burke & Opinderjit Kaur Takhar's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Opinderjiy Kaur Takhar's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Emmanuel Godin's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Emmanuel Godin's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Julie Watson's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Julie Watson's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Margaret Tejerizo's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Margaret Tejerizo's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Michael Pidd's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Michael Pidd's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Mike Jardine and Matthew Sauvage's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Michael Jardine and Matthew Sauvage's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Robert O'Toole's involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Robert O'Toole's presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
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Partner Presentation: Sarah Hayes' involvement with the HumBox project
During the final HumBox project partner meeting in February 2010, each partner gave a presentation about the key points of their engagement with the project. This mp4 video is a recording of Sarah Hayes' presentation and is approximately 5 minutes long.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
Project discussion and partner presentations
This collections includes video footage from the HumBox project peer review workshop, held in September 2009; partner presentations from the final partner meeting in February 2010 and a promotional video devised for dissemination. The video's are in mp4 format.
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
Reviewed resources by Lisa Lavender
Resources reviewed and commented on during the project
Shared with the World by
Mrs Lisa Lavender
Jane Austen's House
photograph of Jane Austen's house with some notes
Shared with the University by
Dr Glenda Leeming
Syntax and Morphology LA 2
Level 4 English Language course on Syntax and Morphology. This forms part of a series of interactive learning activities that complement lecture and seminar delivery methods and work as continuous assessment. To see the nature of this resource please preview the word document.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Sauvage
Academic research course
This is a series of nine modules that form a VLE course for first-year students on 'Academic Research'. The units have been written for Literature, Language and Linguistics students but could easily be modified to suit other contexts.
Each learning unit contains at least one assessed exercise based on the content of that unit.
Shared with the World by
Mr Brett Lucas
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JISC Mailing List (Arabic Network)
A discussion list for teachers of Arabic
This list is for teachers of Arabic in institutions of higher, further and secondary education to discuss issues policy, practice and resources.
Further info:
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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FORMAL LOGIC: An Invalid Approach
Intro-To-Logic text focusing on Logical Form and the Method Of Counterexample
Shared with the World by
David Marans
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American PopCulture 3.2
America 1900-1949: Music, Times, Books, Stage, Film, Sports, Personalities (I NEED COMMENTS FROM THE 4,000 HUMBOXIANS WHO HAVE DOWNLOADED THIS.)
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David Marans
Introduction to the Spanish Political Transition and the Reform of the Political System
This is a powerpoint presentation which can help year one students in BA's in Spanish to gain a better understanding of the constrains and achievements of the transition of Spain to a democratic political system between 1975 and 1982. This resource contains video links to youtube and other links to webpages as well as content taken from Dr San Martín's presentation on the Spanish Political System that can be found in the HumBox. It can be used in the classroom, but it is also suitable for self-access. There is a word file with the lesson plan.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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El noticiario
The objective of this activity is to view the news programme « El TD1 en cuatro minutos » and to ask the students to reproduce it as a role play in groups using some current articles from different newspapers. Each group will be given articles from a different Spanish-speaking country.
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Miss Esmeralda Francés Martínez
12. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 12 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 2 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “.
This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
13. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 13 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 13 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “.
This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
14. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 14 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 14 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “.
This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
15. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 15 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 15 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “.
This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
16. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 16 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 16 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “.
This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
17. Attitudes towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Region of Murcia). Video 17 - Transcripts in English and Spanish - Summary of Methodology
Participant 17 responds to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “.
This video response is part of the collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Discussion Board: Obama visits Spain
This activity is currently being used in the module SPPO 2650/1 "The Spanish regional Melting Pot: the same old History?" at the University of Leeds. This module is a Level 2 very popular option for all our BAs in Spanish. Students make their contributions via discussion boards in VLE Blackboard. The activity is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding the history of the Spanish State, the history of the different nationalist movements in Spain and the relationship between national identity, political allegiances and the interpretation of these sometimes conflicting “histories”. It also fosters transferable skills such as intercultural communication, analytical skills, critical skills, the ability to work as part of a group, negotiating skills, online communication skills, leadership and spirit of enquiry. The activity was first used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1) in 2009 but has been updated since them. Last update 29/9/114. It received the University of Leeds Faculty of Arts Teaching Development Prize 2009/2010 and has attracted excellent student and employer feedback. It can be downloaded as a pdf document or as a word document.
Shared with the World by
Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Attitudes Towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Región de Murcia). 17 videos, Methodology and Transcripts.
17 Participants respond to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This is a collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Resources reviewed by Antonio Martinez-Arboleda
Resources reviewed by Antonio Martinez-Arboleda in December 2009 as part of the peer review process prior to the launch of Humbox.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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Ayer no quise volar muy bajo by Encarna Navarro
This is one of the 8 poems of Encarna Navarro which have been recorded in video for this collection. Students of Spanish literature and language can listen to this video recording, make notes, reflect upon the themes that appear in Encarna Navarro’s poetry and undertake independent or guided research on the references made in Encarna’s poems to well-known Spanish Poetry Classics. They can finally listen to the interview, where Antonio Martínez-Arboleda discusses with the poet some key questions about her poetry.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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Encarna Navarro's Poetry Videos Presentation
The Spanish poet from Lorca (Murcia) Encarna Navarro introduces her video collection of poems, which consists of 8 poems and an interview with Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Students of Spanish literature and language can listen to this video recording, make notes, reflect upon the themes that appear in Encarna Navarro’s poetry and undertake independent or guided research on the references made in Encarna’s poems to well-known Spanish Poetry Classics. They can finally listen to the interview, where Antonio Martínez-Arboleda discusses with the poet some key questions about her poetry.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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Encarna Navarro’s Interview
Poet Encarna Navarro, from Lorca (Murcia), is interviewed by Antonio Martínez-Arboleda in November 2009 following the reading of a selection of her poems that have been also published in the Humbox in video format. Encarna talks about the themes and inspiration of her work, her favourite readings, which include Becquer and García Lorca, and her writing.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Se equivocó la paloma, by Rafael Alberti
Spanish poet Juan Ramón Barat and Juan Manzanares, Lecturer in History, comment on this poem focusing on its political content and context.
There are plenty of references to the Spanish Civil War, the Franco dictatorship and how poetry and culture suffered during many years. Transcript of the video recommended.
The text of the poem can found in
There are well known sung versions of this poem. Catalan singer Joan Manuel Serrat has produced the most popular one, which can be seen in websites such as youtube.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Festival of Words
a series of lectures which took place in April 2009
Shared with the World by
Clare McManus
Test Resource
Shared with the University by
Patrick McSweeney
Utf8 test
Shared with the University by
Patrick McSweeney
Czech Cinema
Text and Powerpoint documents - Information on Czech cinema and a selection of recent Czech films. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Czech Literature
Texts, powerpoint presentations
Information on the life and work of several Czech authors
As reference material; power points are used in class to complement lectures.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Estonian History
Estonian history from the beginning to the Livonian War. Handouts for the lectures on Estonian History, Society and Culture
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Ethnic distribution in the North Western part of the Russian Empire
Ethnic maps depicting Lithuanian distribution in Russian Empire (mid 19th century – 1914. Conference presentations, PhD dissertation
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Hungarian Literature and Culture
Powerpoint and word documents - Covering Hungarian literature and culture. Used as teaching aids
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Latvian Language, History and Culture
A selection of documents used in language and culture lectures covering Latvia's History, Literature, Language, communities, folk art and music
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Slavonic Languages
Series of documents used in lectures covering, history, grammar and all aspects of Slavonic languages.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Slovene Culture and Civilization
Powerpoint presentations on various topics, covering different aspects of Slovene culture and civilization.
Language, Geography and Tourism, History and Legends, Traditional Slovenia, Slovenia Today, Culture, Literature, Famous Slovenes. Used as teaching aids for modules about Slovene culture and other language modules to explain certain aspects of Slovenia
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
The History of Czech Literature 900-2000
Texts, powerpoint presentations
Information on the life and work of several Czech authors
As reference material; power points are used in class to complement lectures.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Video Interviews - Covering Czech: Economy, History and Literature
A selection of video interviews exploring the Czech: Economy, Literature and History. The video's have been produced for Humbox, but will be used for teaching
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Ms Claire Monaghan
Aston University TESOL methododology materials
Aston University TESOL methododology materials
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Dr Sarah Hayes
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Lecture Handout: Rawls and the Method of Reflective Equilibrium
This is a Lecture Handout on John Rawls' "Method of Reflective Equilibrium" for moral reasoning, as presented in his early and middle writings.
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Dr Mark Nelson
Tutorial/Study Questions on Harris's Survival Lottery
This is a set of 10 questions focussed on John Harris's famous essay, "The Survival Lottery". They are to be used in a tutorial or procotorial or small group discussion in a first year course on applied ethics.
Shared with the University by
Dr Mark Nelson
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Grammar & Punctuation - Learning Unit 8
This is the eighth unit of a series forming a VLE course for first-year students on 'Academic Research'. In this unit students are introduced to the basics of grammar and punctuation. Several assignments follow the overview text.
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Mr Brett Lucas
Design Thinking Tim Brown slides
Slides on design thinking, prototyping, creativity and innovation - quotes from Tim Brown "Design Thinking", Harvard Business Review, June 2008.
Shared with the World by
Mr Robert O'Toole
Shared with the World by
Mr Robert O'Toole
How to Film Your Brilliant Idea Presentation
A presentation (in Apple Keynote format) about how to create a short movie presenting an idea or argument. Talks about structure, narrative arc, audience. With demo videos. An online version for non-Apple users is at:
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Mr Robert O'Toole
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How-to video: edit your HumBox profile
A video demonstrating how to edit your personal profile in HumBox, including adding a photo, and how to make your email address public.
Shared with the World by
Mr Robert O'Toole
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How-to video: registering for HumBox
The whys and hows of registering for HumBox, in a demonstration video with screen capture. Part of a series of videos.
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Mr Robert O'Toole
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Innovation Through Design Thinking notes
Notes on a lecture by Tim Brown (IDEO design). A video of the lecture is available online at These notes were printed out and handed to each member of the International Design and Communication Management MA course, prior to a lecture. The video was shown in the lecture. This gave the students a head start in watching and understanding the video. It then supported them in using the concepts and techniques described in the video.
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Mr Robert O'Toole
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Slide illustrating 3 higher education problems
A slide (jpg) illustrating 3 core problems in Higher Education teaching: School to HE Transition, Acquiring Threshold Concepts, Sustained Collaboration and Enterprise. With amusing images!
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Mr Robert O'Toole
Teaching With Blogs
A series of slides (jpg format) about using blogs in teaching.
Shared with the World by
Mr Robert O'Toole
Videos about using HumBox
A series of Instructional videos with screencasts.
Shared with the World by
Mr Robert O'Toole
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Constructing Lithuania
PDF - Ethnic maps depicting Lithuanian distribution in Russian Empire (mid 19th century – 1914). Conference presentations, PhD dissertation
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Mapping Lithuanians: Examining Russian Imperial Ethnic Cartography
Powerpoint Presentations - Ethnic distribution in the North Western part of the Russian Empire (mid 19th c. – 1914. Ethnic maps depicting Lithuanian distribution in Russian Empire (mid 19th century – 1914. Conference presentations, PhD dissertation
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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The Ways to Perceive a Fatherland
Powerpoint presentation - Ethnic maps depicting Lithuanian distribution in Russian Empire (mid 19th century – 1914). Conference presentations, PhD dissertation
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe - Semester 2
A collection of seminar sheets with bibliographies and topic summaries prepared for the Special Subject module: Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe. This module ran at the Department of History, University of Sheffield.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
Review collection Sheffield HRI
Collection of items reviewed by the HRI, University of Sheffield.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
Theatre of Cruelties: The French Wars of Religion
A collection of seminar and lecture materials for the Level 3 module on the French Wars of Religion.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matt Phillpott
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ESL test
it tests grammar and vocabulary, reading comprehension.
Shared with the World by
Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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ESL test
it tests grammar, vocabulary and reading- comprehension for intermediate, going gradually; reading comprehension.
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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ESL test
it tests grammar and vocabulary, acronyms as well, for upper- intermediate students
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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ESL test
it tests grammar and vocabulary for the intermediate ESL students
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
ESL tests
ESL tests for grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, different levels of complexity
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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Hostility and aggression
An essay on how and why people behave; a material to be used with students to discuss the structure of an essay- (topic sentence, supporting details, facts and statistics) A writing task for students in advanced ESL.
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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John Fowles - Literature and Psychological Profile
A focus on John Fowles' work seen from a psycho-analytical perspective, in a postmodern world. It is a would-be answer to whether the writer can become a complete individual by means of his work or not, when life is always considered a series of hazardous experiences meant to make us evolve.
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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Strategies of persuasion : constructing the individual self
A study on psychological processes involved in choosing certain aspects of the linguistic diversity and their effects on one’s behaviour, laying the premises that from servant, language can become a master. Examples are drawn from the media- advertising, commercials, TV, newspapers.
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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The concept of enkekalymenos in Fowles' "The Magus"
The Freudian idea that art bridges the gap between the pleasure principle and the reality principle also states that behind the “known”, behind that “veil” or that set of veils set by the writer, the analyst will find the “secret”, the drives that secretly urged the artist sublimate his driven-back feelings.
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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The need gratification theory in a teaching environment
The paper tackles the concept of gratification and the need gratification theory with view to the creative process in a teaching environment, to then focus on the knowledge enriching need, to be found both in the teacher and in the student, the first one learning for the others, while the latter – learning for himself, to later also learn for the others.
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
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Virtual Reality and John Fowles' "The Magus"
Literature and the computer generated three–dimensional landscape are the possibilities in which all our wishes can be fulfilled:we can see ourselves from the outside, adopt a new identity, be able to modify the environment through either verbal commands or physical gestures, see creative thoughts instantly materialized without having them for real. While reading, one gets “immersed” and experiences a virtual reality effect. It is similar to using a head-mounted display or a data-glove.
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Dr. Maria- Magdalena Popescu
Successful writing at level 2
This dynamic nodemap identifies key literacies practices that constitute successful L2 undergraduate writing in discursive areas of study. Its interactive environment encourages developing writers to explore these practices and provides links to further content to help enhance understanding.This object can be used 'as is' with acknowledgment of the Academic Skills Unit at the University of Portsmouth as its creator. Any changes, development or derivative use requires prior permission of the creator.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
Remembering the Colonial Past in France and Africa
Once France’s sub-Saharan African colonies became independent in 1960, African troops who had served France loyally both in the world wars and in its wars of decolonization did not fit easily into the official, nationalist narrative of postcolonial African leaders of an African nation united in the struggle against French colonialism. As a result their role and experiences were largely ‘forgotten’ for some forty years after independence. A powerful symbol of this official forgetting is that, as recently as 1999, in France’s oldest African colony Senegal, a French colonial monument originally cast in 1923 to commemorate the role played by African soldiers fighting for France in World War I, was removed to a small cemetery on the outskirts of Dakar because its presence in the centre of the city was considered too redolent of the country’s colonial past. Yet five years later the monument made a great comeback to the city centre after the announcement by the President Wade, in the presence of a plethora of African heads of state of former French colonies, of the creation of a national day to commemorate the tirailleurs. At the same time he also announced that the Senegalese government would henceforth pay an allowance to all Senegalese war veterans still alive on 2 March 2000, in addition to the increase in African war veterans’ pensions recently announced by France. Following this the monument was restored to the centre of the city to become the focal point of a vast commemoration project in which the Place de la Gare was renamed the Place du Tirailleur and designated as a memorial to African soldiers who perished in both world wars.
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Mr Emmanuel Godin
Of guns, glory hunters and good intentions. How does France do everything it does in Africa and get away with it?
In this inaugural lecture, Professor Tony Chafer charts the evolution of French interest in, and relations with, Africa from the 19th century to today. The text, the video of the lecture and the corresponding PowerPoint presentation are included here with a separate bibliography.
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Mr Emmanuel Godin
Grammar and Academic Style for EAP (English for Academic Purposes)
This series of six two-hour classes looks at areas of grammar and academic style important for non-native speakers of English who are expected to produce written assignments such as essays and dissertations. Areas covered include the division of time (verb tense/aspect work), cautious language (hedging), text cohesion (discourse markers), the use of the passive, the use of personal pronouns, nominalization and other style tips. This is pitched at upper-intermediate to advanced students, IELTS 6.0 to 7.5/8.0.
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Mr Emmanuel Godin
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Famous People Born in Latvia
Powerpoint presentation - A brief introduction to famous people born in Latvia.
This presentation can be used for culture and language classes. It was originally used to make role cards to practise introducing oneself.
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Latvian Language and Culture through the Ages
Powerpoint presentation: A description of the development of the Latvian language, as well as folk songs, folk tales, proverbs and beliefs.
This was originally a lecture as part of a series of events relating to Central and Eastern Europe.
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Latvian mythology and its interpretation in folk art and song
A powerpoint presentation - A description of Latvian pagan deities, their symbols in folk art and folk songs, with English translations, in which these deities are mentioned.
This presentation is the basis of a tutorial on Latvian mythology. We discuss the deities, look at examples of folk art and translate the folk songs into English.
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Latvian Music
Powerpoint presentation
An introduction to traditional Latvian music; classical composers, artists and conductors; ballet; modern music
This is an introduction to Latvian music for Honours students studying Latvian Language, History, Society and Culture
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Concrete Poetry: Mark Insingel
This VirtualDutch self-study pack helps you understand what concrete poetry is by giving you background information about this form of poetry as well as some examples written by Mark Insingel. The level of difficulty of the studypack is for beginners, so if you have only recently begun to learn Dutch it should not be too difficult for you. Word explanations are given with the poems.
Shared with the World by
Ulrich Tiedau
Describing body parts in Arabic
This resource can be used to teach young people vocabulary for parts of the body in the Arabic language.
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Mr Masood Hashmi
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Corpora in Foreign Language Teaching
Workshop for teachers on the use of copora in foreign language teaching with a focus on data-driven language learning.
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Dr Zoe L Handley
Syntax and Morphology LA 3
Level 4 English Language course on Syntax and Morphology. This forms part of a series of interactive learning activities that complement lecture and seminar delivery methods and work as continuous assessment. To see the nature of this resource please preview the word document.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Sauvage
E.L.E. Español como Lengua Extranjera
Interactive learning activity consisting of questions based around a radio interview about the famous "Amantes de Teruel".
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Sauvage
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Sauvage
Peer Reviewed Resources
Collection of resources of interest and that I have peer reviewed.
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Dr Matthew Sauvage
Syntax and Morphology LA 11
Level 4 English Language course on Syntax and Morphology. This forms part of a series of interactive learning activities that complement lecture and seminar delivery methods and work as continuous assessment. To see the nature of this resource please preview the word document.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Sauvage
“I need the signs of the presence of humans…”
Pdf file of a Shamil Khairov’s interview published in the “Цифровик» магазин. Discussion on the current state of art and amateur photography in Russia,
Reproduction of S.Khairov original photographs. This resource is used in “The Russian C20 visual culture” taught at Glasogw and Tampere.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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This is the course outline of an introductory course in Hegel's philosophy (Level 1).
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Dr. Evangelia Sembou
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Theatre of Cruelties - Lecture 8: The Massacre of St Bartholomew - and its Aftermath
A lecture powerpoint presentation for the module 'Theatre of Cruelties'. This lecture handles the topic of the St Bartholomew's massacre.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matt Phillpott
Digital (and other) lessons from the Past
A paper given by Professor Mark Greengrass at the 1641 Depositions Workshop in Dublin on 12 December 2008. The paper focuses on mass violence in the seventeenth-century.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe: Seminar 2.10: Almanacs, Astrology and Change
A seminar about early-modern almanacs and astrology and how opinions about these changed during the period.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe: Seminar 2.12: Prophets, Seers and Messiahs
This seminar looks at the scriptural grounds for believing that the 'Last Days' would be accompanied by 'false prophets'.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe: Seminar 2.2: Rituals and Religious Controversy - Exorcism
A seminar examining the role of exorcism in Elizabethan protestant circles, and how the idea fitted uncomfortably in the revised religion.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe: Seminar 2.3: The Dangers of 'Sadducisma' and the Defence of Witchcraft
This seminar focuses on Joseph Glanvill's Saducismus Triumphatus, which attempts to provide a 'reasonable' justification of the existence and power of witchcraft in the world.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe: Seminar 2.8: Providence and the Natural World
A seminar that explores beliefs in portents in early-modern Europe. This seminar is linked to seminar 07 on Protestant Piety.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe: Seminar 2.9: Monstrous Births and unnatural Happenings
This seminar explores how 'monstrous creatures' and human birth accidents were understood as signs of God's providence.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
Henri IV of France with some Dutch comparisons
Paper given September 2008 by Mark Greengrass entitled: 'Governing Rhetorics in Transitional Politics: The case of Henri IV of France (with some Dutch comparisons)'. This paper discusses transitions of politics in Bourbon France and the Dutch Republic.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
Rumeur et Bien Public dans Les Ligues Provinciales Catholiques: l'exemple de Laon
Mark Greengrass, 'Rumeur et Bien Public dans Les Ligues Provinciales Catholiques: l'exemple de Laon'. Presented 17 July 2008. Discusses in particular Jean Bodin and the Catholic League.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
Samuel Hartlib, the Republic of Letters and the English Commonwealth
Mark Greengrass, 'Technology and Tolerance during the Commonwealth: Samuel Hartlib and the Republic of Letters'. Given 27 March 1999 at the Colloque 1'Universite de Paris-X.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Lecture 10: Royal Myths, Religious Realities: Living with Absolutism and Religious Pluralism
A lectuer powerpoint presentation for the module 'Theatre of Cruelties'. This lecture deals specifically with Henri IV.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Lecture 1: The Coming of the Protestant Reformation in France: A Climate of Uncertainty
A lecture powerpoint presentation for the module 'Theatre of Cruelties' focued on the prelude to the French Wars of Religion.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Lecture 2: Containing the French Reformation
A lecture powerpoint presentation for the module 'Theatre of Cruelties'. This lecture deals with the monarchy's initial role in fighting heresy.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Lecture 3: Geneva and the French Reformation
A lecture powerpoint presentation for the module 'Theatre of Cruelties' . This lecture dels with Geneva and Jean Calvin's role in the French Reformation.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Lecture 4: The Years of Crisis, 1559-1562
A lecture powerpoint presentation for the module 'Theatre of Cruelties'. This lecture deals with the failure of the French monarchy between 1559-1562 and the outbreak of civil war.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Lecture 7: The French Monarchy tries to put things right - and fails
A lecture powerpoint presentation for the module 'Theatre of Cruelties'. This lecture deals with religious, judicial and political reform.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Lecture 9: Nobility and Violence
A lecture powerpoint presentation for the module 'Theatre of Cruelties'. This lecture refocuses the discussion of the French wars of religion to the nobles and how their culture added to a culture of 'noble violence'.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Seminar 1: A Catholic Encyclopedia of Violence
Seminar outline with bibliography and biography on Richard Verstegan.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Seminar 2: The Day of Placards
Seminar outline with seminar assignments, bibliography and extracts.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Seminar 3: Martyrs to the Cause
Seminar outline with seminar assignments, bibliography and extracts.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matt Phillpott
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Theatre of Cruelties - Seminar 6: Incitements to Violence
Seminar outline with bibliography. This resource also includes two papers on topics related to the seminar - authored by Mark Greengrass.
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Dr Matt Phillpott
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John Locke on Innate Ideas (1)
Lecture slides for a lecture on Locke on innate ideas.
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Dr Neil Sinclair
John Locke on innate ideas (2)
Lecture slides on Locke on innate ideas
Shared with the World by
Dr Neil Sinclair
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Locke and Primary/Secondary Qualities
Lecture slides on Locke, Primary and Secondary Qualities
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Dr Neil Sinclair
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Locke and Theories of Perception (1)
Lecture slides for Locke and theories of perception
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Dr Neil Sinclair
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Locke and Theories of Perception (2)
Lecture slides on Locke and perception
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Dr Neil Sinclair
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Statehood and Nationality in Central and Eastern Europe: Basic Concepts
Powerpoint presentation with lecture notes on Statehood, Nationhood and Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe.This presentation was used to support the introductory session of an MSc module.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Images of Humanities research students
Photographs showing aspects of Humanities postgraduate research students being interviewed. Resource includes a zip file containing all sixteen (16) images.
Shared with the World by
Dr Tehmina Goskar
Drama 1880-1960
This is part of a suite of self-guided exercises developed for Level 5 undergraduates taking a module on World Drama 1880-1960. The resources were developed as part of a project on "Developing Independent Learning", funded by an English Subject Centre grant: a fuller description of the project is at
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Dr Matthew Steggle
This collection contains assorted lecture handouts and exercises prepared by Matthew Steggle in connection with courses in pre-1700 English Literature.
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Dr Matthew Steggle
Lettre adressée à M. Deixonne par un instituteur breton (1948)
Until the Deixonne Law (1951) (see attached document), the status of regional languages in France had been rather precarious. Suspicion that regional languages hindered the propagation of progressive ideas and favoured separatist tendencies was rife among left-wing republicans. In this letter, a primary school teacher explained how the love of Breton is not incompatible with the love of France and how pedagogically the use of Breton is a tremendous tool to achieve a higher degree of fluency and accuracy in French. The letter is addressed to Maurice Deixonne, who was in charge to draft the legislative proposal which led to the formal, but limited, recognition of regional languages in 1951. The original letter can be found in OURS (Office Universitaire de Recherche Socialiste, Paris), the French Socialist Party’s private archives (web link included here). Final year and MA students may find this original document useful to discuss, evaluate and revisit the complex relations between French republicanism and cultural minorities.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
O Papel do Sacrifício no Candomblé
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kroprowska ,a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2007 - 2008. The theme is the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé. Ritual sacrifice of animals is a feature of this religion, a practice which is frequently misunderstood by people not familiar with the religion. The recording, based on an interview with a Brazilian practitioner of Candomblé, explains the true significance of this ritual and its meaning within the context of the religion as a whole. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcript of the podcast is also provided.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
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Stalin’s Consolidation of Power, 1924-41
Word Document, Lecture - Stalin’s Consolidation of Power, 1924-41
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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A Quick Introduction to Sikhism
This is a brief outline of the basics of the Sikh faith
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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A brief Introduction to Sikhism for students (handout)
This handout accompanies the presentation outlining a Quick Introduction to Sikhism
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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God and the Human Condition in Sikh teachings
This is a detailed look at what Sikh teachings from the Guru Granth Sahibji teach about God and the Human condition.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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God and the human condition - Sikhism
This handout summarizes the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib about God and the soul's entrapment in samsara (reincarnation).
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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Guru Gobind Singh and the Formation of the Khalsa
This presentation examines the reasons and order of eents behind the creation of the Khalsa in 1699 CE.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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Guru Nanak's teachings
This handout for students highlights the teachings of the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak. It also explores possible influences on the thought of Guru Nanak.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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Issues of Identity in the Sikh Panth
The issue of Sikh identity is one that has given rise to much debate over the years. This presentation examines some aspects and issues relating to Sikh Identity.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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Possible influences on the thought of Guru Nanak
There are a number of theories as to whether the religious thought of the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak, may have been influenced by other traditions of the time. This presenttation explores soem of thses possible influences.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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Sikh Identity handout for students
This handout accompanies a presentation looking at issues relating to Sikh identity.
Shared with the World by
Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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Sikh Practices
This presentation, delivered to second year undergraduate students, takes a look at soem of the dominant practices amongst Sikhs.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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Sikh practices handout for students
This handout for students summarizes the main practices found amongst the Sikhs.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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The Development of the Panth
This handout highlights the main developments and Institutions in Sikhism from the second to ninth Sikh Gurus
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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The Guru Granth Sahibji
This presentation explores the compilation and content of the Guru Granth Sahib - the eternal Guru of the Sikhs.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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The Namdharis
A brief summary of the Namdharis, a handout for students.
Shared with the World by
Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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The Ravidasis
A handout for students summarizing the main beliefs and practices of the Ravidasi community.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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The Valmikis
This presentation explores the origins, beliefs and practices of the Valmiki community. The Valmikis are a caste within the Dalit community.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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The caste system and the Sikhs
Thsi handout for students summarizes the main points about the Sikhs' attitudes towards the caste system.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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The second to ninth Sikh Gurus
The development of the Sikh Panth through the institutions made by the second to the ninth Sikh Gurus is explored in this presentation.
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
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Variations of the Adi Granth
This handout summarizes the many variations found of the Sikh Holy Scripture - the Guru Granth Sahibji
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Dr Opinderjit Takhar
Virtual Dutch Self-Study Packs
These study packs aim to introduce you to Dutch language, literature, history and society. They will also help you improve your reading skills in Dutch. You can listen to the text, study its vocabulary, sentence structures and cultural background. There is background information about the authors and their work. Once you feel you can read and understand the texts, you can move on to analysis of some of their literary aspects. When you have finished the study packs you should have a sense of the kind of writers they were and feel ready to read more of their work. There are sets of questions on the text. They start easy, and gradually become more difficult. You can answer them at any stage to see how far you get. The study packs provide answers and suggestions for finding relevant information. You can print out your first try so that you can compare it with your answers when you have completed the study packs.
It is not necessary to study the different parts of the packs in any particular order – allow yourself to be guided by what you want to know. You can browse all packs according to subject, level and language or view them in a competence grid. Most packs exist in a Dutch and in an English version. You are also invited to provide us with feedback on your experience with the study packs. Enjoy!
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Ulrich Tiedau
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Guide to attribution on HumBox
This is a guide giving advice on attributing materials effectively on HumBox.
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Ms Kate Borthwick
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Advice on tagging in HumBox
This document gives advice on good practice in tagging in HumBox.
Shared with the World by
Ms Kate Borthwick
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Checklist for sharing and reviewing
Use these checklist questions as a guide to reviewing and commenting on resources, and to assist you in deciding how and which resources to upload to HumBox.
Shared with the World by
Ms Kate Borthwick
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‘Empty Spaces and the Value of Symbols: Estonia’s ‘War on Monuments’ from Another Angle’
Powerpoint presentation - Identity, memory and landscape: a case study of Estonia. This was originally devised as a conference presentation, but has since been used for teaching purposes, on a summer school in Estonia in July 2009 and on an MSc course in Glasgow. The Powerpoint supported a workshop format, where students were invited to reflect on the various images in groups.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Corpus Stylistics
Lecture on Corpora in Stylistics
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Dr Stavroula Varella
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Alaine Polcz, A wartime memoir
Powerpoint presentation of the novel A wartime memoir by Alaine Polcz, a Hungarian World War 2 survivor and memoirist.
Used as lecture and seminar notes for women’s writing courses at Glasgow University.
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Bibliography to the study of Hungarian literature
Word document - A bibliography of English-language scholarly articles on 20th century Hungarian literature with electronic availability wherever possible
Hungarian literature, women’s writing, literature and culture
I have used it as an aide to find secondary material to Hungarian and comparative literature courses
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Creating a nation: monuments and textual documents in Hungary: 1800-1900
Powerpoint version of a lecture given at Peter Pazmany RC University, Budapest. Hungarian literature, literature and culture, creating national cultural institutions. Used as powerpoint aide to summer school lecture.
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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New Women in Hungarian literature: Margit Kaffka (1880-1918)
Powerpoint verslecture given at Glasgow University on a Hungarian woman writer (life and work)
Hungarian literature, women’s writing, literature and culture. Used as powerpoint aide in undergraduate lecture in Comparative Literature
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Ms Claire Monaghan
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Systematic Review of CALL for Reading
A systematic review of research on the use of technology in language learning with primary and secondary students. This talk focuses in on the use of technology in the teaching of reading in English as a foreign language.
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Dr Zoe L Handley
A walk through ancient Rome
A set of 16 images of the classical and historical sights of Rome partially labelled in Italian
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Julie Watson
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Checklist for producing good academic writing
A checklist/reflective task for individual or class use of steps and procedures for student writers to follow to ensure good academic writing
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Julie Watson
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Giving an oral presentation
A student checklist of considerations for preparing to give an oral presentation with focus on structure, control of language, technique, and practice
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Julie Watson
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History of the Holocaust
mostly in pictures
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Dr Christina Welch
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Second Life Guide for SL-moderators
Guide for training new users of Second Life
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Ms Gabi Witthaus
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Clause as Exchange
Useful for undergraduates or post-graduates studying Systemic Functional Linguistics. Here we see the MOOD structure (Interpersonal metafunction) explained.
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Mr Bob Wilkinson
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War of Ghosts
Useful for undergraduates of Linguistics, and Psycholinguistics. This is a classic text used by Frederick Bartlett in his research into memory.
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Mr Bob Wilkinson
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Online Discussion in English Studies: A Good Practice Guide to Design, Moderation and Assessment
This Good Practice Guide provides a long overdue introduction to the use of one of the most widely available and easy to use elearning tools - the discussion board. The Guide provides a wealth of practical advice about how to start using discussion boards effectively in the Higher Education and Further Education Context. Advice is given on how to design meaningful tasks, how to moderate the boards to ensure smooth and effective communication between students and solutions to the question of whether to assess contributions or not and how gets a chapter of its own. The final chapter deals specifically with the use of discussion boards in a Creative Writing context.
It is hoped that the guide will inspire and encourage both you and your department to get involved in using discussion boards to enrich the student experience.
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Mr Brett Lucas
Different approaches to Karel Čapek’s travel writing
Powerpoint presentations and class notes - different reading approaches of Karel Čapek’s travel writing.
Used as powerpoint presentations accompanied with classnotes
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Ms Claire Monaghan
This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 15:18:13 2025 UTC.